I sense an undercurrent of bitterness in that advertisement.
According to NADA that beauty has an average retail value of $10,100. Take off $500 for a new top. Sounds about right. Why are these values always so inflated? These people at NADA can't possibly be this stupid. $10K will come close to buying you 2 real nice MGBs let alone an average one.
I'd have given her the car in trade for only 5k worth of decorative towels.
Hell hath no wrath like Plymouth's Fury.
In reply to tr8todd:
Maybe they aren't distinguishing between rubber and chrome bumper models?
Last I checked $10k will get you a near museum grade rubber bumper MGB.
New Reader
3/8/15 6:10 p.m.
He should offer to sell his share to the ex at a discount, say 4600.
i bet there really is no ex wife, and that he was just trying to make an ad that would go mildy viral so he could get someone to offer him the $1000 or so that it's actually worth..
I'm pretty sure there is actually an ex wife. He's bitter, and proving a point.
He should just take it to a dealer for trade-in, since they go by NADA kinda-sorta...
Q. Why are divorces so expensive?
A. Because they're worth it.
if it is a legit ad and he is currently involved in an immature divorce with a bitter woman, he should just sign the car over to her and have her sign something stating that he just gave her a car worth the $10k that she insists it's worth... seems like it would be the easiest way to go about it..