Let's say you have an upper control arm with a ball joint in it, and want to mount its ball joint into a custom adapter or bracket. If the adapter is machined billet aluminum, can you simple drill a hole and ream it with an angled ball joint reamer? What if you use steel - can you sandwich and weld 2 layers of 1/4" steel, drill a hole through both sheets, and ream that to the ball joint angle? Is there some product I can't think of for doing this more easily? Think Challenge budget creativity.

I bought a 7 degree reamer, but have yet to test it. Basically, just a bump for more answers.
You can definitely do the drill a hole and ream thing. There are also inserts with the taper already in them like these but that would be more of a budget hit. Maybe "reclaim" some tapered bits from something else?
3/30/21 2:40 p.m.
Yep, a tapered reamer will do the job (just don't over cut it). Not sure if I'd recommend such a tapered hole in 2x 1/4" plate thickness tho.
3/30/21 2:43 p.m.
Unless its a fairly small balljoint, I don't think I'd go with an overall thickness of 1/2" either. Most balljoints are designed to have more of a seat that they ride on.
3/30/21 4:59 p.m.
Yes, a tapered reamer is the tool for the job.