I would like to try my hand at an HPDE event this year. I don't know whether or not New England Region SCCA offers these, so I was wondering what other clubs run this sort of event in my area. I live in northeastern MA on the MA/NH state line, so my "home" track is NHMS. I wouldn't mind hauling down to Lime Rock Park either. I was kind of hoping NER SCCA would have finished construction on the Palmer (MA) Motorsports Park, but I haven't heard a peep on the project in years.
Try CART (CARTCT.com) or SCDA.
Good suggestions - I've run with SCDA a few times and hope to again sometime this year. COM also puts on a good event. So does BMW CCA. You need to be a member, but you don't have to own a BMW to join.
EMRA and COM are the biggies in this neck of the woods.
2/14/12 6:25 p.m.
COM is right up your alley.
Thanks guys. I'm going to do some homework on those groups. I didn't attend one motorsport event last year due to my family moving and the drama surrounding it. I'm itching to get back in the saddle, and maybe finally see what my Mazdaspeed3 is capable of!
Lots of the guys I know up here do the BMWCCA events, including the fine gentlemen I travel to Florida with just about every fall for the Challenge. And yes, they let all sorts of stuff run, including weird Jeep Cherokees that somehow handle the cones.
Sccnh holds hillclimbs in vt and autox events at nhms but no hpde.
In fact we have a winterx event this weekend at nhms in the s3 parking lot.
COM or the BMW club.
COM meets in Westford just off 495 monthly (or they used too, it's been a while since I attended ((Oaken bucket days)) I've got a freind who runs a WRX with them.
BMW guys run a bunch of different tracks. I've got a friend who help do the events who runs a blown 5.0 Mustang that realy moves.
2/15/12 7:24 a.m.
Also look at the calendar on this site, or myautoevents.com or mytrackschedule.com or motorsportsreg.com for schedules. Thanks for the plug for CART, Woody, we're at Lime Rock on June 21.
2/15/12 7:37 a.m.
When I lived up there I ran with COM or BMWCCA, both put on good events. I had friends run with SCDA who were pleased.
All the ones they listed. BMW does a discount for your first event with them, makes it darn cheap.
Is the SCCA still trying to build that track in Palmer Ma?
Last I heard the Palmer track was not going anywhere. It may even be DOA. A good friend of mine is a real estate lawyer and he has the inside scoop on that. I can ask him the next time I see him.
Because of the foolishness of SCCA new England poring the $$$$ into that I let my SCCA membership laps. When It came to my attention what they were doing I took a good hard look at the business model that they were putting forth and it kept coming back to me thinking that it was the worst business model I have seen. I wrote a letter to the editor of the SCCA monthly mag stating just how bad an idea it was and listed many reasons why. These were concrete business dollars and science reasons why it was a bad thing to do with the clubs money and how it could be spent to better serve its members. I got a very nice email letter back from the editor saying that he completely agreed but due to club politics my letter to the editor would never see the light of day in any SCCA publication. Proof positive to me that the leadership of the NE SCCA were blinded by the thought of getting there own personal playground at the expense of the membership that was to be paid for by the hard working average Joe's like me. I was paying well over $100 a year for my family membership just to keep receiving there news letter (I was taking a brake from racing due to the birth of my son). For the amount of $$$$ that they pored into that idea they could have held several, if not many events, (maybe even a whole season) and not charged any of the participants.
I probably should re visit SCCA NE. It has been 4 years since I let my membership laps.
I just visited there web site and it was last updated feb 2011. Reading the main page it looks like SCCA NE is out of the picture. Even more interesting is that the link to SCCA on the site does not take you to NER but to the main SCCA site and there does not appear to be any links to NER.
Hummmmmmmmm. I smell a back story here.
New Reader
2/17/12 8:37 a.m.
Another vote for COM. Great group of guys, lots of track time, great variety of cars from Lemons cars to club racers. They do time trials as well as just HPDE too.
New members get a $100 rebate on their first event, and there are 4 or 5 NHMS events on the calendar this year.
My vote for COM. Haven't run with them in a while but intend to again in a year. Low key, no pressure. School and practice first day, school/practice/time trials second day.
SCDA I've heard good things about as well.