10/28/13 7:15 a.m.
aussiesmg wrote:
I have a garage oven, I just bought the Harbor Freight media blaster, now I am looking for an Eastwood powder coater.
I have several sets of wheels to do first.
Anybody got leads on custom powder colors?
I don't have any personal experience with any of these other than the eastwood powders that came with my kit:
prismaticpowders (this place allows you to order hunks of aluminum already coated to sample the colors, mine are in the mail)
10/28/13 7:17 a.m.
Toyman01 wrote:
Naturally, I carefully measured to make sure it was wide enough for a 17" wheel. Too bad I didn't check the depth. I had to do a little modifying to the door to get enough room.
I keep meaning to ask you. What did you do to get the wheel to fit? And before your measurement, do you remember how deep the oven was?
I'm asking because I'm buying an oven this week since I have a paying customer right now. I'd like to be able to do wheels and the only measurements I have were of the oven I took.
On a side note, since I've been going PC crazy the last few weeks you should have seen, heard, and felt my wife's reaction when she saw me taking a tape measure to the inside of the oven 
In reply to DrBoost:
The door and glass was double walled and about 6 inches thick. I removed the inner wall and glass with a grinder. I'll try to remember to shoot a picture when I get home this afternoon.
10/29/13 7:17 a.m.
So I found an older double oven on CL for $50. As long as it all works I'm going to jump on it. I'd like it to be a bit bigger but I'll make do. It's 17 3/4 wide - 17 3/4 tall - and 20 deep (top oven). I figure it's a good idea because I have the toaster oven for small things like brackets, the bottom oven for medium items, and the top oven for larger items. Not that I need that, but no sense in heating up the big oven for an alternator bracket.
I ordered this one, just ordered several 1lb bags of powder as well, I haz some playing to do next week.
I already have a Craigslist special oven in the shop
I am planning on doing some rims first
10/29/13 11:41 a.m.
Sweet aussie. That's the one I wish I'd have gotten. Mine has only the one power setting. Not sure if I'd ever need two settings, but because I didn't get it, I'm sure I'll need it.
I have a question for toyman. Did you install your double oven, or just set it on some blocks or something? I would like the double oven I found, but if it means spending a saturday building a frame to put it into, I'll pass.
I don't see any reason why you can't just set it on 4 cinder blocks or something, then run a metal strap to the wall so it doesn't topple over.
You definitely motivated me, having an oven helped.
I know I will be building a bigger oven soon.
In reply to DrBoost:
Mine is flat on the bottom and has no problem standing up by itself. It's sitting on the floor against the wall. All the powder coating stuff is stored inside it.
10/29/13 12:46 p.m.
Toyman01 wrote:
In reply to DrBoost:
Mine is flat on the bottom and has no problem standing up by itself. It's sitting on the floor against the wall. All the powder coating stuff is stored inside it.
Good, thanks. I'm going to get the double oven then. It's an old one, but that tells me it's reliable with no expensive computer boards to crap out on me.
Aussie, make sure to post your results here. I want to be able to do wheels too. I'd like to be able to do 18's, and that might be possible if I do the mod that toyman did.
I got my powder coating kit yesterday and opened it today.
Moved it and my portable air compressor nearer the oven.
I got my fresh A arms today, in bare steel. What do you do to prep the metal before coating it?
They are shiny and show no rust at all.
Pics will be posted after I screw it up royally or do the best job evar, which is somewhat less likely.
For prepping them, I'd make sure they don't have some kind of rust preventive coating on them. If so, blast them. Then I'd wash them down with brake cleaner to get rid of oils. I'd throw them in the oven at 250 for 30 minutes, to make sure all the solvents are evaporated and then coat them. That's what I did with the wheel and it seemed to work. I stole the process from a professional powder coating company.
Unfortunately I've been so busy, I haven't gotten a chance to do the other 4. Autocross last weekend (first place E-Mod.
) , off to visit the parents this weekend.
11/1/13 9:06 p.m.
I'm hoping to pick up my oven tomorrow. The only issue is yet another CL flake seller. I have a few others lined up, but this one is a double oven so I'd like to get it. Either way, I plan on buying an oven tomorrow.
Stupid bare metal pic didn't come out but here is before and after cooking them, don't mind the kid in the photo

11/2/13 8:40 p.m.
Very sweet!!! Am i the only one that finds this addictive?
BTW, i did get the double oven!!!
Double oven? Pot pies and powder coating at the same tine?
DrBoost wrote:
Very sweet!!! Am i the only one that finds this addictive?
BTW, i did get the double oven!!!
Not addicted yet, but I do have 12 wheels to do yet, and a few underhood challenge parts, then a couple of brackets, I want to test some different textures and .... um I may have a problem
11/3/13 5:12 p.m.
Yeah, you have a problem. Naturally I knew that with all the utes you post, but this could redeem your soul.
Keep posting pics of your projects.
This is who I've been buying from; I don't do it but I buy and have it done.