Y'all keep talking about how awesome wagons are so I have been keeping my eye out them. This popped up on Craigslist and I went to look at it last night. He had a reasonable price on it so I picked it up. It's a 93 Buick Roadmaster. 5.7 liters of V8 goodness that purrs like a kitten. Needs some cosmetics so it will probably get a coat of paint and loose the wood grain. This will end up replacing my E150. I'm getting tired of driving vans all the time and hauling a monster trailer everywhere. It's time to downsize.

I would like to finished product to look something like this:

The bad news is the transmission started acting up on the way home. A little research makes me think the the governor is stuck or the TV valve is stuck. Any 700R4 pros out there? Even if I have to put a transmission in it I'll still come out fair on the price.

Wow, first time I've seen someone refer to getting into a Roadmonster wagon as "downsizing". Need pics.
This is what I usually herd to events. It gets between 7-11 mpg, and you really don't want to tow it on the interstate. When this rig leaves the yard total weight is around 13000 pounds.

I figure the wagon with a small flat trailer will be less than 8000 pounds. Hopefully is will also get in the 14-15mpg range.
So yeah, downsize fits.
Old folks' car.
What exactly is the slushbox doing?
for inspiration. I think he's on here, but anyways....
IIRC he has full Mustang GT running gear, wheels and suspension (and bolt-ons), and it is surprisingly quick around the course...

Not wanting to shift out of low until red line. Once it does shift it will snap your neck. Some research shows that the TV valves are bad about sticking. That or the governor gears are known to fail as well as have the piston stick. I think I'm going to pull the valve body and put a kit in it. I can get the kit for about $60 and it is supposed to fix all the problems these transmissions have. It should also firm up the shifts for towing.
There's a Roadmaster on one of the CLs in my area (I'm a "regular" / addict on 4 or 5). Anyway, the guy sort of went the way of this "Bel Air"...but also didn't. Starting with the wheels: they are those "vintage" look-alikes, body colored, with the "dog dish" hubcaps. The tires are wide whites, but while it looks pretty much stock, with the "wood" intact....this thing is painted Checker Cab YELLOW. I do have to admit the color change was a very good job, at least from what you can see. But yellow?
10/2/10 7:34 p.m.
Late/hard shifts can also caused by a bad thermostat. I'd make sure it's over 149 degrees coolant temperature. The TV cable, if misadjusted, can cause weird shifts as can the throttle position sensor.
A little inspiration:

I blame you that I am now searching for Roadmaster wagons.
Nice thing about a 93 is its a TBI. Go nuts w/ the motor; options are aplenty. Enjoy your wagon.
I tried my set of Cragar Drag Stars on it today but they wouldn't fit, 5X4.5 instead of 5X4.75. I'll have to come up with some wheels. I did manage to pop out a couple of dents where some fatso had leaned on it. Also took care of a rust issue in the bottom of the spare tire well and fixed some of the trim bits that were loose. Haven't figured out the transmission yet. It looks like I'm going to have to put a valve body kit in it. I didn't much feel like crawling around under a car today so I'll save that for another day.
On the 700r4: 1st thing to check is the throttle pressure cable, as mentioned above. 2nd would be to make sure tranny fluid is where it should be. Both (relatively) easy to make right, and they make a huge difference.
Ditto on enjoying the ride. Get some cop stuff in there, while you're at it...
Sounds like a good excuse for a mild shift kit if you're looking for that sort of thing. Maybe also work in an aux. trans cooler since you'll be towing?