what should I do with a FREE good running, clean rust free manual BG protégé LX.
A friend purchased it about 3 years ago from a private seller in VA for $450, I went with him to check it out. The title turned out to have a mechanic's lien on it so it was never able to title it in Maryland, and he never went to VA's DMV to get the situation sorted or to get the lienholder information to contact them about the vehicle and previous owner's debt.
Cut the front end off and put in the bed of someone you want to "persuade"?

2/26/15 12:37 p.m.
Drive it around in the woods until you hit tree and total it, then scrap it. That's what I did with my free protege.
I figured it made for a more fun title then learn me 
2/26/15 12:50 p.m.
FMV+boost+more boost+sticky rubber=challenge car?
Corn field race car.
doner for a weird tube frame car.
Mndsm is closer to options I'd consider
in no particular order:
crapcan enduro
the not most legal answer; that I'm not likely to explore due to the penalties, even though I'd be the quote/unquote victim, would be VIN swap with my titled parts car. which would open up BABE rally amongst others.
LeMons/Chumpcar or Challenge. Those all involve a lot of time and some cash outlay, so if you don't want to do that...
2/26/15 1:02 p.m.
Hard to get a real title for the thing and sell or use as your own car? I've never gone through with all that so I don't know.
Title it then give it to me in an effort to light a fire under my ass for a car that i've almost totally lost interest in?
2/26/15 1:19 p.m.
Swank Force One wrote:
Title it then give it to me in an effort to light a fire under my ass for a car that i've almost totally lost interest in?
And has the combined budget of nearly everything else in your driveway. Including MY challenge car.
2/26/15 1:20 p.m.
I need a new DD for super cheap, but a title would help.
Otherwise, yeah, Lemons it. Challenge it, Chump it.
Twin engine protege!
KLZE in the back, BPT in front.
VIN swap, KLZE swap, turbo. More fun than any Protege has any right to be.
2/26/15 1:25 p.m.
I traded one away in exchange for a free Christmas tree every year.
captdownshift wrote:
Mndsm is closer to options I'd consider
in no particular order:
crapcan enduro
the not most legal answer; that I'm not likely to explore due to the penalties, even though I'd be the quote/unquote victim, would be VIN swap with my titled parts car. which would open up BABE rally amongst others.
I mean.. who would really look that closely at an old protege? Do it... 
Here's what I'm thinking but am torn on.
rallycross it and once the body gets too torn up, get a cheap BG 323 and swap the BP, G series, rear subframe with hubs/disc brakes over into the 323. should still only be in $500 on the 323.
Lemons/Chump, then once the body is too beat up resume with the second half of plan A. But very few components of a cage can be swapped from one car to another, even when it's the same chassis. So that is what has me torn.
Swank I was hoping that you'd jump in with ideas, this is BG #3 for me, and is the best condition (bodywise) of the 3 that I own. One is an LX parts car with the BP, G series and rear pulled, but B6 stuff ready to toss back in if need be, body is meh, paint is complete crap. The other is a 323 with the BP bits swapped in, plus turbo. I haven't done a KL. What's the status of your project? is the body rot killing the desire behind it, or is it "other" that has it stalled.
Tuna: http://atlanta.craigslist.org/atl/cto/4906052881.html if you had bought this earlier in the week you could've resold it for 300% profit when the snow hit yesterday.
would we dare parking lot KL swap before the challenge?
mndsm wrote:
Swank Force One wrote:
Title it then give it to me in an effort to light a fire under my ass for a car that i've almost totally lost interest in?
And has the combined budget of nearly everything else in your driveway. Including MY challenge car.
It's not "nearly." It's "does." And more.
Fill it with realistic looking children mannequins. Place a recording of children screaming daddy! NOoooo! inside the vehicle. Go to a public lake. Roll it down the boat launch.
captdownshift wrote:
Here's what I'm thinking but am torn on.
rallycross it and once the body gets too torn up, get a cheap BG 323 and swap the BP, G series, rear subframe with hubs/disc brakes over into the 323. should still only be in $500 on the 323.
Lemons/Chump, then once the body is too beat up resume with the second half of plan A. But very few components of a cage can be swapped from one car to another, even when it's the same chassis. So that is what has me torn.
Swank I was hoping that you'd jump in with ideas, this is BG #3 for me, and is the best condition (bodywise) of the 3 that I own. One is an LX parts car with the BP, G series and rear pulled, but B6 stuff ready to toss back in if need be, body is meh, paint is complete crap. The other is a 323 with the BP bits swapped in, plus turbo. I haven't done a KL. What's the status of your project? is the body rot killing the desire behind it, or is it "other" that has it stalled.
Tuna: http://atlanta.craigslist.org/atl/cto/4906052881.html if you had bought this earlier in the week you could've resold it for 300% profit when the snow hit yesterday.
Body rot/twist/used up/junk/etc.
And yeah... there's some "other" aspect to it. Conservatively speaking, there's probably... $4k to be invested before it even runs again in a way that i can be bothered to care about, then i'm still left with this garbage chassis and needing to buy a $2000 wheel/tire package and spend a few grand on tires and transport every season to do what it was built for.
Seems silly these days.
IF i were to build another BG chassis car, it would stay BP powered. Or i would just not build another BG chassis car, and build a GD "the right way" instead.
The KL swap is pretty easy, though. I'm just not excited about KLs anymore. Had a few too many bad experiences. 
captdownshift wrote:
rallycross it and once the body gets too torn up, get a cheap BG 323 and swap the BP, G series, rear subframe with hubs/disc brakes over into the 323. should still only be in $500 on the 323.
Like this?
Something seems strange about that though.
$400 at Crazy Ray's.
Try Googling the shop that has the lien and see how plausable clearing it is. Then you could title it.
Sell it to someone here as a parts/project car.