A kid brought an A4 quattro to my little car lot today. He said he wanted to sell the car outright because "it's missing really bad. i bought another car already." I ask him how much and he says "$1,000"
I grab my code reader and go for a test drive. The only code is a cylinder 4 misfire.
the car looks presentable enough. It has 3 wheels from an RS4, and one original one. the windshield is cracked. and lots of pixels are burned out on the dash. other than that, nothing i'd change.
I get back and really really want the car, but I'm not sure what to do. If i'm too eager he'll probably find a way to excuse himself and go ask more somewhere else. but he's asking so little, i can't sincerely offer less. I skip straight to offering him a ride home. Well that was the wrong decision, because he makes up a story about how he has to wait for his brother to get off work in a few hours..blah blah blah. I let him go.
Then i realize i left my code reader in his car. Berk. About an hour later he calls back and offers to sell me the car and return my code reader for $1,200.
I choke down my anger and agree.
He shows up a little while later. I wrote him a check. 15 minutes later NAPA delivered a new ignition coil. Half an hour after that I'm driving home.

5/1/13 9:31 p.m.
Shoulda said "Bring my code reader back, i'll give you 1000$ and NOT call the cops for theft."
5/1/13 9:31 p.m.
Nice......sucks about the kid being a douche about the code reader though.....
Well at least the kid knew it was worth it
Flight Service wrote:
pics please
Pics of kid, please. We need to know who to beat with the tire iron....
Looks like it's been hit in the front. Paint looks just a little off to me.
For $1200 seems like a good buy, easy flip
Looks nice enough. Shame you had to pay "the tax" to get back your own code reader, but the car is at least nice.
Sell it while it runs well.
Go buy a 5 cylinder audi if you want a quattro that lasts.
nicksta43 wrote:
Looks like it's been hit in the front. Paint looks just a little off to me.
It does look like that in the picture. In real life its all original paint.
porschenut wrote:
Sell it while it runs well.
Go buy a 5 cylinder audi if you want a quattro that lasts.
If it were me, I'd have to flip it quick before becoming attached! I've always loved the look of those and have wanted one for a long time but I've never been brave enough to pull the trigger on one that was in my price range.
5/2/13 8:18 a.m.
Too bad it's going to cost you half the purchase price to get that 4th RS-4 wheel to complete the set.
just found it in the trunk. doesn't even look hurt. going to drop it off it at the local wheel repair shop just to confirm.
5/2/13 8:52 a.m.
belteshazzar wrote:
just found it in the trunk. doesn't even look hurt. going to drop it off it at the local wheel repair shop just to confirm.
Awesome! Nice score then, except for the little buttwipe extorting the extra 2 bills from you.
They appear to just be replicas, but it could be worse.
5/2/13 11:17 a.m.
B5 VAG cars:
They look nice and drive nice, but they gonna make you poor.
Just like dating someone looking for a sugar daddy. 
replace that piece of missing door trim, clean and flip. $$
5/2/13 12:23 p.m.
nice score. You should have a good amount of room for profit after cleaning it up.
it's a hot potato for sure. the quicker i can get it in someones elses hands the better.
...Cough...$2013... Cough, cough
I'd drive by the bastard and say "All it was was a coil. Easy fix. I'll sell it back to you for $2000."