I found that the dipstick was interfering with a trap door on the oil baffle setup I made for my dodge 2.4 turbo engine I'm building up for a midlana. Rather than redesign the baffle for the 5th time I just cut the twisted part off the end of the dipstick just below the 'MIN', filed it smooth and called it good. It still slides in and out just fine.
Anybody foresee any issues? What's the twisty part at the end for anyway?
Centers it to guide it down the tube better.
I am so glad this is not a picture of a inadvertently shortened hootus
8/3/13 2:53 p.m.
Was this self-inflicted, or are you dating Lorena Bobbit? 

Whooo. Glad this was just about car parts.
The piece you took off should have no effect that I can think of.
Speaking of Lorena Bobbitt: it appears she got hooked up with some guy around 2006 and they have a kid together. Had it been me I don't think I would have ever been able to sleep soundly with her in the house.
He wears a metal chastity belt to bed.
I'm practicing to be a moyl. 
bgkast wrote:
I'm practicing to be a moyl.
I think you were doing ok until the whole "filed it smooth" part.
this guy has some issues with shortening your dipstick:

I made my own dipstick tube out of brake line and cut and notched a non marked generic dip stick... I turn 85+psi oil pressure. Your fine.
Only issue is that you will get a little dribble splash after running that can make it look like you have more oil on the stick than you actually do because it wipes against the tube wall on way out.