I made this video to hopefully drum up some more interest in Central Florida region SCCA Rallycross. If you like it, please help us out and share it. Thanks.
Sorry! I fixed the link (changed the music)
Recheck the link. Seems to have copyright issues.
This video contains content from The Harry Fox Agency, Inc. (HFA), UMPG Publishing and EMI, one or more of whom have blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
Whoa something's available in my region but not in others!? Hell must be freezing over! 
That proves it. Central Florida actually is another country. 
I changed the music, it seems to have cured the problem
Fresh link--
6/26/13 6:55 p.m.
Looks like a blast! Wish I was down there so I could play too!
No Rallycross in SCR-SCCA. I has a sad. 
6/26/13 7:39 p.m.
That's what I'll be doing Saturday. But Hebron OH is a much shorter drive than FL.
And you all think Nebraska is flat. :-p
Wait, rallycross is cheap? When did this happen? 
Very nice. But if you guys want to drum up interest in your rally-x program, just buy a (cheap) train, run it up to DC, and you'll have 60 cars loaded aboard it from our program to come run with you 
Because your courses look like a blast and we get tired of always being on red clay sometimes.
I also mentioned to Colin that the way we went from ~35 cars per event last season to 60 (maxed, with a waitlist for every event) this season was by marketing on various car forums of car types that might want to rallycross. We hit the "local" sections of forums like r3vlimited (as if we need more than the current ~10 e30s running), Miata forums (nobody has come out yet), NASIOC of course (probably 30 subies per event), Evo forums (one has come out), Audizine (a couple came out), VW forums (a couple newbies from there), and a handful of others. Between that and some recruiting of friends by some of us, the program here has almost tripled in attendance since 2 years ago.
The vid is a great idea though, and well-done. I think once you get people out there, the way the program is run and how good the venue is are what determines if they stick around for a full season. We're lucky to have a great venue and great group of guys who run the program (note: I don't do anything except some marketing, so I'm talking about Adam Kimmet, Moxnix, and several others). Looks like you have a great venue and leadership as well, so hopefully you can grow your attendance.
I came out the first event but haven't caught one since. Placed first in class and second overall.
I still need to repair the torn cv boot and the Chumpcar is talking up most of my time and money but I will try to make it out again.
Greg Voth wrote:
I came out the first event but haven't caught one since. Placed first in class and second overall.
I still need to repair the torn cv boot and the Chumpcar is talking up most of my time and money but I will try to make it out again.
I remember that Greg, you were really hauling the mail in that thing!
Irish44j-- Thanks! I think our biggest drawback right now is not having a venue inside of the I-4 corridor. All the good places we run at now are basically 3 hours away from the population centers of Tampa and Orlando, which is an understandable turn off to lots of potential competitors.
If anyone knows of a place we can run, please chime in! We need about 15 acres as a minimum, we'll pay to rent it, and we're fully insured.