On my route to the gym earlier this morning (before sunrise) I had to stop at a rural traffic light. The next vehicle to roll up behind me was a Chevy pickup and I'm driving my Miata, so the headlights are at , or above my line of sight. The person driving the truck turned off their lights until the traffic signal turned green and I had made my turn, then they turned them back on and continued on their way. To you Sir/Madam a very Merry Christmas.
Wow. Very nice. Must also own a miata or similar. I have had some trouble with (get this) other bicyclists on the trail commuting to/from work with HID's or other similar (bright as the sun) headlights blinding me. There are a few who "shade" it, and I always thank them as we pass.
That is certainly is a first! Normally I'd just be happy they didn't have the hi beams on...
12/11/13 9:16 a.m.
Nope, I've seen that several times, in a variety of different pickups. I usually wave.
With my lights being slightly higher than the average truck, I hate to see them shining in someone's eyes. Especially when there can be water, ice, salt, or grime likely where people need to see. I shut them down when I can. Its only polite.
When it gets dark out, I prefer the trucks rolling up to my work shut down their lights so I can see who the driver is. It will make it a much more pleasant and quick experience.
ehh, he was probably just feeling extra homophobic and thusly didn't want to stare at a Miata's rear end. 
Merry Christmas!
I would always shut my PU headlights off when I came up behind a small car at a light. Geezus, you gotta know what's happening when ya see the whole interior of their car light up.
On the other hand, some of the dickwad mill hunks blazed their PU lights in my mirrors (I swear on purpose) when I drove smaller cars to work. I'd just use the power mirrors to redirect it back at 'em, moving the car if I had to.
I actually did the same thing yesterday in my truck. There was a car in front of me trying to make a left onto a very busy road and I could see that my truck was lighting up the interior. Switched to running lights until he moved out, and then put mine back on.
While we're talking headlights, I seem to see more and more folks running high beams at all times at night, and not bothering to dim them, even after oncoming traffic flashes their lights at them.
dj06482 wrote:
While we're talking headlights, I seem to see more and more folks running high beams at all times at night, and not bothering to dim them, even after oncoming traffic flashes their lights at them.
I see that a lot too. On my 15 mile night commute I'd prolly have to dim my brights a dozen or more times so I just leave them on low beam. Others do not. Seems to be a sign of the times.
I started doing that when I was driving commercial. The only time I didn't do it was when behind an SUV or a pickup... as I wanted to make them suffer a bit.
In driving the Disco around at night, I always turn the headlights off when behind a car
dj06482 wrote:
While we're talking headlights, I seem to see more and more folks running high beams at all times at night, and not bothering to dim them, even after oncoming traffic flashes their lights at them.
I notice it a lot more in TN than I did in IL. But they also don't know how to use turn signals, and I see a fair number running around town at night without headlights or only running lights. I am pretty sure there is just a knowledge defeciency in the use of lights, and driving in general.
I see a lot of people running with the high beams on too. I just assume they are drunk and stay away
I get flashed all the time for running with my beams on, and I'm not. I think the lights on some new cars are just very bright.
DeadSkunk wrote:
...I had to stop at a rural traffic light...
This probably explains it.
12/11/13 1:08 p.m.
Zomby Woof wrote:
I get flashed all the time for running with my beams on, and I'm not. I think the lights on some new cars are just very bright.
I think you're right--bright lights that are near dangerous.
I've had that happen a couple of times in traffic. I too, was floored.
I returned the favor many times when I had my lifted Tundra.
After I put a small lift on my Wrangler (2.5-3"), I forgot to adjust the headlights to compensate for the added height. I probably get 1 out of every 25 cars that flash their highs at me. I feel bad because my 2 mile commute to work is on rough residential streets that make the Jeep "bounce" so it appears I am flashing my lights at oncoming traffic. With me moving to night shift (7PM-7AM) in a few days, I finally made an effort to re-aim my lights. The only problem is that it requires a T15 screwdriver. I HAS to be a screwdriver, no bits in a driver due to the small space between the lens and grill. So tonight I am making a trip to HD to pick up the necessary driver.
I hate being "that guy"