and bought some injectors from a miata 10 years newer than my '94. i had them cleaned/tested. yesterday I installed them. the character of the engine changed, but I can't put my finger on what the difference is.
i can say the car seems to be trying out different idle rpms. sometimes 1500, sometimes 900. it seems specific and intentional. just wanted to make sure it was a typical thing while the ecu copes with the change.
i remember my old e30 took half an hour to dial in a set of 19 lb injectors after pulling the 14's it came with.
Did you disconnect power from the ECU while you swapped them out?
should be normal then since it cleared out the adaptives.
Any chance of a vacuum leak at the injector O-rings?
I thought this was going to be one of those "finish that sentence" threads and I came here to post:
...and I haven't E36 M3 right in a week.
The 94 ECU is smart enough to adapt to larger/better injectors? I thought it was a pretty dumb ecu.
By modern standards, yes. But it does have some long term learning ability. It can cope with maybe a 10% injector change size. Don't think you can stuff a set of 700's in there and expect it to work 
I'd set the base idle just for fun - or at least check it. Jump GND and TEN in the diagnostic box, adjust the screw so it idles at 850. If you can't, then you're looking at an air leak. Pretty small one.