It is horrible. The steerig wheel feels like it might have cost $.00002. The driving position is absolute terrible. And how the hell do you make a 2 litre engine that damn gutless? It is more gutless then the French. The steering isn't horrible but wheel is so bad that it doesn't matter. It seems to be decent handling. How are there not masses of Cobalt owners not just walking around and blowing their brains out Kurt Cobain style?
yeah they are POS.
I have the Cobalt and the G5 on my not allowed to rent to me at my local rental place.
Apparently alot of people have complained about them because they only get site to site transfers.
Horrible car.
Are you seriously basing your whole complaint on the Cobalt because of a cheap feeling steering wheel and a lack of power?
It's a cheap people mover built at a price point, it's not intended to stir your soul!
It's a 2.2 with VVT, and I believe 165 hp.
Hardly gutless.
Cheap, reliable people move? Try a SS supercharged or SS Turbo then come back and try again?
DirtyBird222 wrote:
Cheap, reliable people move? Try a SS supercharged or SS Turbo then come back and try again?
I did, and loved it! I kinda doubt Avis is renting them...
11/8/10 8:03 p.m.
I don't trust them cavbalts. No matter what they say- they're still j-bodies.
Racer1ab wrote:
Are you seriously basing your whole complaint on the Cobalt because of a cheap feeling steering wheel and a lack of power?
It's a cheap people mover built at a price point, it's not intended to stir your soul!
My Civic DX was the ultimate in cheap people mover. I mean it didn't even have power steering. It has alloy wheels. Couldn't they have put steelies on it? And taken that same money and put it into a good steering and pedals which don't seem to be two miles apart.
11/8/10 8:49 p.m.
ansonivan wrote:
- jump it
- post video
- enjoy an even split of ridicule/praise
Put me down for praise.
Pay the rental companies extra $15/day insurance and set it on fire.
It was a Cobalt or Impala or Minivan or truck.
11/8/10 9:07 p.m.
Minivan. They won't notice when you cut the springs and go bippu.
It was a new F150 and I don't know which one is worse to drive.
Haven't we had this conversation before? And the same naysayers (or is it fanbois?) were there too.
carguy123 wrote:
Haven't we had this conversation before? And the same naysayers (or is it fanbois?) were there too.
I was there so +1 for you
carguy123 wrote:
Haven't we had this conversation before? And the same naysayers (or is it fanbois?) were there too.
I guess we have but having finally driven one. I am one of the naysayers.
The poster formally known as 96DXCivic wrote:
carguy123 wrote:
Haven't we had this conversation before? And the same naysayers (or is it fanbois?) were there too.
I guess we have but having finally driven one. I am one of the naysayers.
By naysayers, I meant the ones that screamed "Oh NO! You must be one of those people that is always ragging on GM. You wouldn't know a good/quality car if it bit you in the . . ." That's why I also called them fanbois.
All it takes is an unbiased drive to see it's a limbo car. ("How low can you go?")
Or right got it. I am sure GM can build a good car. I mean the steering wheel should be easy to fix and the engine is probably a lot better with a manual and not the god awful automatic attacted. Unless they change the pedals on the Cobalt SS, I would get annoyed with that fairly quickly as well.
I was just thinking my Civic had 49bhp less from the factory and weighed 428lbs less. The Cobalt ends up having a power to weight ratio of around 18 lbs/hp and the Civic ends up at around 22 lbs/hp. Yet the Civic feels much easier to pass traffic in.