Deer whistles were standard equipment on our cars when we ran summit point. And as you can see it is for a very good reason.
I remember a Miata that hit one and the deer went clear through the windshield. It was a bit ugly. I seem to remember that the continued on after removing the windshield and the back window.
I remember some one contemplating welding in bars across the inside of the windshield as protection. I don't think that ever happened.
Glad you are ok that could have been very bad for your health. Cars can be fixed / replaced
Getting all the glass out of the interior is going to be a serious PITA (second only to getting it out of your face). You may be better off tossing the carpet and replacing it (if it is in the car). You will be finding shards of glass in that car for years to come.
In reply to dean1484:
Yea, I've been meaning to pull all the carpet out anyway. Adding lightness and removing ten years of leaky vette stank.
Man, you're lucky you didn't get a hoof to the face there! Brown moment indeed...
Glad to see you're OK, dude. When I get back out there, I'm getting a helmet I can close (my old one was full-face, but only had a sunshade over the eyeport).
After you fix yourself and the car, you are eligible for one "kill" marking on car. I encourage it!
Holy Crap!
Quick thinking to get your hands up. Not sure I would have been that quick.
What's the likelihood of them installing a tall fence in the areas around the track most prone to deer hits? They could try and direct them to an underpass or some such thing I suppose.
Yeah, I got the vid on facebook. some gnarly stuff.
I was recounting the '06 12-hour at Summit where the spec miata team next to us took a wild turkey through the windshield at almost the exact same spot, IIRC.
THeir damage wasn't as bad - they ripped out the windshield (and back glass) and ran another 8 hours, lol.
So I can only imagine yours!

oof. you're lucky, sorry about the car.
i took a rock on the highway and ate glass/got it in my eyes, that was scary enough doing 55 in a crown vic, can't imagine how much glass you got hitting a deer on the track.
dean1484 wrote:
Deer whistles were standard equipment on our cars when we ran summit point. And as you can see it is for a very good reason.
I remember a Miata that hit one and the deer went clear through the windshield. It was a bit ugly. I seem to remember that the continued on after removing the windshield and the back window.
I remember some one contemplating welding in bars across the inside of the windshield as protection. I don't think that ever happened.
Glad you are ok that could have been very bad for your health. Cars can be fixed / replaced
Getting all the glass out of the interior is going to be a serious PITA (second only to getting it out of your face). You may be better off tossing the carpet and replacing it (if it is in the car). You will be finding shards of glass in that car for years to come.
lol, see my post above. It was a turkey, and it was riding shotgun in the car for 2 laps since his team-mate was in the pits at the time. In 100 degree heat. Yum.
Yeah, I saw this on another site and was wondering if the driver may be on here or someone known by someone on here. Glad you're OK man. Scary stuff!
vwcorvette wrote:
What's the likelihood of them installing a tall fence in the areas around the track most prone to deer hits? They could try and direct them to an underpass or some such thing I suppose.
This is what I was thinking, but that straight is so long it may be a bit costly. Maybe there's another way to deter the deer with scent markings or whatever farmers like to use. I guess the repetitive labor with something like that doesn't come free either though.
We're constantly on the lookout for deer in rallycross at summit too, especially since we're actually out in the fields and running within 10 feet of the treelines. Granted we're not going nearly as fast and most of us have beater cars doing it, but still....
dean1484 wrote:
Deer whistles were standard equipment on our cars when we ran summit point. And as you can see it is for a very good reason.
I remember a Miata that hit one and the deer went clear through the windshield. It was a bit ugly. I seem to remember that the continued on after removing the windshield and the back window.
I remember some one contemplating welding in bars across the inside of the windshield as protection. I don't think that ever happened.
Glad you are ok that could have been very bad for your health. Cars can be fixed / replaced
Getting all the glass out of the interior is going to be a serious PITA (second only to getting it out of your face). You may be better off tossing the carpet and replacing it (if it is in the car). You will be finding shards of glass in that car for years to come.
Do deer whistles actually work? I always had those firmly pegged in the "snake oil" section of Pep Boys. I guess they couldn't hurt...
Deer whistles have been proven to not work...
Glad you and the car are more or less okay!
How far did you drive with the deer on the roof? (I saw it's leg dangling after impact).
I think that was a piece of glass dangling, lol. But I thought the same thing at first :)
Damn, that is a scary proposition. Glad you made it out fairly unscathed.
6/18/12 6:54 p.m.
Glad you're ok.Scary as hell. If you didn't have any good on-track stories before, now you've got a legendary one - with video back up.
Matt B wrote:
vwcorvette wrote:
What's the likelihood of them installing a tall fence in the areas around the track most prone to deer hits? They could try and direct them to an underpass or some such thing I suppose.
This is what I was thinking, but that straight is so long it may be a bit costly. Maybe there's another way to deter the deer with scent markings or whatever farmers like to use. I guess the repetitive labor with something like that doesn't come free either though.
It's amazing how high a fence has to be to keep out a full-grown deer. Road Atlanta tried it with 10' all the way around the property in the 1980s, all it seemed to do was trap them inside after they'd made that first jump over to get inside. Seems that if they'd made it once, they didn't want to try it again..but they sure tried it that first time. Saw a NASCAR Busch series car (don't know what they're called nowdays) hit one at the 87 race (bottom of the Esses), sent it spinning off like a street car striking a rabbit. Man, those cars were heavy/strong. Still using street car tubs with full tubeframe underneath then, IIRC.
Well a plus is you are the new interwebs king lol.
Glad you are safe, and even more glad you did not have an instructor in the car!!
6/18/12 8:26 p.m.
friedgreencorrado wrote:
Matt B wrote:
vwcorvette wrote:
What's the likelihood of them installing a tall fence in the areas around the track most prone to deer hits? They could try and direct them to an underpass or some such thing I suppose.
This is what I was thinking, but that straight is so long it may be a bit costly. Maybe there's another way to deter the deer with scent markings or whatever farmers like to use. I guess the repetitive labor with something like that doesn't come free either though.
It's amazing how high a fence has to be to keep out a full-grown deer. Road Atlanta tried it with 10' all the way around the property in the 1980s, all it seemed to do was trap them inside after they'd made that first jump over to get inside. Seems that if they'd made it once, they didn't want to try it again..but they sure tried it that first time. Saw a NASCAR Busch series car (don't know what they're called nowdays) hit one at the 87 race (bottom of the Esses), sent it spinning off like a street car striking a rabbit. Man, those cars were heavy/strong. Still using street car tubs with full tubeframe underneath then, IIRC.
The airport in Kingston, ON had a 12' high fence and they were still getting deer on the runways.
I believe they raised it to 16' high.
I suggest maybe a circle-with-a-line through it with a deer behind it.
Glad to see you made it out in one piece.
Been flagging at summit a bit, my take is that they have BSR doing all kinds of firearms training out there. It is TOTALLY normal for there to be a bunch of spent shells at the stations. You hear lots of full-auto gunfire and big-bore cannon fire at their ranges. You would think they would just drive around the property and "Solve the Problem".
If your running there and you see a flagger with his hands up to the sides of their head making antlers, you know what they are trying to tell you! (its not just us making faces at you!)
Noise deterrents? If 117 cars at once (many open header) running on the 2 mile Shenandoah Circuit can't scare them off, nothin' will! (yeah, we had that many in the Lemons race on track at once, still had some deer there)
After the checker on the 1st TT timed session on Sunday I remembered to look to see if there was still any evidence of the carnage visible. To driver's left around the first brake marker, almost to the tree line was the carcass with all the bare ribs poking straight up like some bizarre presentation.
Truly unsavory, and being from the DC metro area I see a sh1t-ton of dead deer and this was pretty yucky.
Glad you're well - and after I saw the car on the rollback I kept my visor down in my car.
psteav wrote:
Do deer whistles actually work? I always had those firmly pegged in the "snake oil" section of Pep Boys. I guess they couldn't hurt...
Always figured they work behind the car.