Ok, I can't keep it under my hat any longer....
Last night I added to the fleet buy buying a Mk1 Scirocco. Now, this isn't just any Mk1, it is an early car, which are even more rare. Making it even more obscure as this is a 1976 1/2 Super Scirocco. Halfway through 76 VW added fuel injection to the Scirocco, making it the first watercooled VW with F.I. They only made 2000- 2500 of these cars which were all metallic brown, with gold tinted wheels. They also had opening wing windows in the doors, a unique steering wheel, and a few other extras.
Good ole Greg Voth found the car cruising on Craig'slist, and I couldn't say no. Especially once I'd seen the car, and how incredibly straight and clean it is. (original paint,nearly no rust!)
It isn't a runner yet, but should be soon. I'll post pics once I pick up the car next week. I will be away from the board until Monday, so forgive me if I don't post for a bit.
Here's a couple of pics of a good one to tide you over.
I can't believe this thing fell into my lap!

3/17/11 1:25 p.m.
Berkeleyity E36 M3 that's clean. I know you're in Florida, but still. Wow.
I like it. I even like the color. 
3/17/11 1:29 p.m.
Awesome! I love the color, too!
Keep in mind, the car pictured is NOT the car I bought. Mine is a project, not a completed car. It is a very, very clean project, but nowhere as nice as the car pictured.
3/17/11 1:37 p.m.
Please tell me that the interior is plaid!
I will show my enthusiasum through hotlinks

3/17/11 1:42 p.m.
The 2002 and the Capri are cool but I think that is a Gremlin bringing up the rear.

3/17/11 1:45 p.m.
Sounds like a great score, Joe.
Mk I's make for some great projects:

I will admit that I can't stop enabling. Unfourtunately that includes myself as well as my friends. I was thrilled when Tom and Joe called me last night to tell me it was "much better than it looked in the pictures" and that Joe was buying it.
Now if I could sell Tom or somebody the 305 Volvo and the V8 Miata we'd be in business.
The list of owned or partially owned vehicles is a bit out of hand.
(2) 79 RX-7's
83 RX-7 5.0 V8 Lemons Car
84 RX-7 GSL-SE
84 Volvo Wagon 5.0 V8
84 Volvo Wagon 305 Chebby Automatic
94 Miata 5.0 V8 $2010 Challenge car
04 Forester XT 5-speed. Catless Exhaust and STI sway. Wifes car.
10 Ford Fusion Company Car.
That brings back fond memories. My senior year of high school one of my dads friends had both an original Lotus Super 7 and a MK1 Scirocco. On Saturday he came over and let me take the 7 out for a drive, one of the highlights of my life automotive wise.
About one month later he asks if I would be interested in babysitting the 7 for 3 weeks while he went on TDY. After picking myself up off the floor I said yes. Unfortunately he calls me up a coulpe of days before he leaves saying that the drop in oil filter canister was leaking and he could not get the parts to fix it before he left. As a consolation prize he said I could use his VW.

Like that one with one of the large fabric sunroofs. It was a really fun car, good times.
Greg Voth wrote:
Now if I could sell Tom or somebody the 305 Volvo and the V8 Miata we'd be in business.
If you don't stop mentioning that V8 Miata I just might break down and buy it.
I've always loved the mk1 Sciroccos. My father had a 78 when it was new, and right after college I picked up a 81 that I drove all around the country.
I've been wanting to get another, and this one popped up. It was the right car, at the right price. I can't wait to get it home so I can start bringing it back to life. Pics to follow.
jrw1621 wrote:
The 2002 and the Capri are cool but I think that is a Gremlin bringing up the rear.
... I LOVE this ad...
BMW, sporty
Datsun 510, errr not awfully sporty but okay
Ford Capri, sporty
Is that a Colt?, sporty
Gremlin? GREMLIN? Your ad is corrupt!
Cool, a neighbor around here is restoring two scirrocos. Vw always has used the coolest car names. Cool car with a cool color!
I like those old VWs, good luck with it.
Fantastic. What a great find.
I love the original Scirroco. So pretty.
3/17/11 2:10 p.m.
I think the Daytona ad is BMW 2002, Datsun B210, Capri, Mazda RX3, Gremlin
3/17/11 2:13 p.m.
Wanna sell the wifes car instead? Assuming it's a manual, of course.
I would hump that car's tailpipe.
Nice. the first car I ever bought circa 1987/88 was a rusty blue 77. Fun, cool car.
John Brown wrote:
jrw1621 wrote:
The 2002 and the Capri are cool but I think that is a Gremlin bringing up the rear.
...Gremlin? GREMLIN? Your ad is corrupt!
Some days you chase Gremlins, some days Gremlins chase you. 
Back in college I looked at a used Scirocco. Was selling my turbo Daytona because the insurance was pretty tough. Quote on insurance for the Scirocco was worse! 
Those were all cars that ran in the IMSA RS series, in which the Gremlin was actually quite competitve. Big torque and big brakes.
Amos Johnson: