...it's got a bit of a rap about being a girls car. To wit: Today I see a bumper sticker on an NB Miata: "This is what a feminist car looks like." Old white guy driving it.
And at the last autocross, those girls were some of the top times of the day.
I'm so confused...
My friends told me it was a girls car. One corner later they were taking it back 
I've said it before, and I'll say it again...
I don't care what anyone says or thinks about the Miata's "image". I'm rather secure in my manhood and when I get out of the car and look down, everything is still there. 
I've driven one, they are OK. They are kind of the easy button, but bore me to tears.
On the other hand, my wife loves them. 
7/25/14 6:43 a.m.
OldGray320i wrote:
...it's got a bit of a rap about being a girls car. To wit: Today I see a bumper sticker on an NB Miata: "This is what a feminist car looks like." Old white guy driving it.
And at the last autocross, those girls were some of the top times of the day.
I'm so confused...
I am looking for the downside here. I LIKE gurlz! If the girls like Miatae then so much the better. If said Miata liking girls can drive, then I am liking then even more.
7/25/14 8:13 a.m.
It may or may not look like a girl's car, but the Manic Miata will sure as hell make you laugh like a schoolgirl as you stand on the throttle and hang it's ass out any time you want.
NOHOME wrote:
I am looking for the downside here. I LIKE gurlz! If the girls like Miatae then so much the better. If said Miata liking girls can drive, then I am liking then even more.
Well played sir...well played
7/25/14 8:38 a.m.
The Miata is the only car I've owned that would actually get smiles and compliments from women. It may just be Ann Arbor people, but a few weeks ago I parked my Miata behind a slightly tarted up 996 Turbo. Nice looking car. Had a window seat overlooking the cars from the restaurant. The 996 was ignored by everyone except for a couple bros and an old dude. Didn't even register. Yet a significant number of women who walked past gave the Miata a glance when they passed.
Girl's car. As if that's a problem.
Exactly, since when do I want to attract men?! (Not that there's anything wrong with that if you want to.. but it's not my thing.)
the age old question is: which is worse - miata or wrangler?
The Mustang had that 'problem' when it first came out, and I think it did alright in all genres
No matter what, you will always be judged in some way if you drive any kind of special/sporty car. BMW? You're a tool. Miata? You're a f*g. Mustang? You're compensating for something. Honda? You're a ricer. Porsche/Lambo/Ferrari? You're a rich bastage.
These aren't my own views, I couldn't care less who drives what, but there is always someone out there who will hate on you for driving a certain car. So pick your poison. Or better yet, drive what you love and haters be damned!
Desmond wrote:
No matter what, you will always be judged in some way if you drive any kind of special/sporty car. BMW? You're a tool. Miata? You're a f*g. Mustang? You're compensating for something. Honda? You're a ricer. Porsche/Lambo/Ferrari? You're a rich bastage.
These aren't my own views, I couldn't care less who drives what, but there is always someone out there who will hate on you for driving a certain car. So pick your poison. Or better yet, drive what you love and haters be damned!
so the rare (and now very used) V6 manual transmission Camry is the answer (or manual Fusion/Milan)
7/25/14 1:36 p.m.
In reply to captdownshift:
The Miata never was the answer......because there still isn't an answer to this question.
OldGray320i wrote:
...it's got a bit of a rap about being a girls car. To wit: Today I see a bumper sticker on an NB Miata: "This is what a feminist car looks like." Old white guy driving it.
And at the last autocross, those girls were some of the top times of the day.
I'm so confused...
It's not that confusing anymore. If it bothers you too much that it's a "girl's car", don't buy one and the rest of us secure men will buy them and enjoy them.
To make you feel better, 15-20 years ago, you would see hordes of women driving them. But now, women are driving sedans and suvs. I don't see women driving Miatas and MR2s anymore. I only see men driving small sports cars and sporty cars, especially old ones; probably due to amateur racing.
Men can be feminists too, by the way.
If you think a Miata is a girls car, try driving a Boxster...
This sticker is what you need:

7/25/14 3:21 p.m.
Maroon92 wrote:
If you think a Miata is a girls car, try driving a Boxster...
I can count the number of times I've seen a woman driving a Porsche of any kind on the fingers of one hand.
As the owner of a modified Civic and Miata, stereotypes say that I am 16 to 24 year-old street racing gay hairdresser. I am none of these.
I can't control what other people think or assume about me. So worrying about stereotypes seems like a waste of time and energy.
'Girly car, manly deeds.'
It's more of a humorous reflection/commentary on the connotations, attitudes, stereotypes, etc....
I do drive what I like. Well, when it's running (the 320i). Which says that I must be a tool who's broke. Or wannabe tool, as the case may be.
I haven't driven a miata since I used to own my old 240Z, back in 1990. I wasn't that impressed with the Miata back then, but neither was I impressed with 325e that I drove in the same time frame. 20 odd years later, I own a 325e(s), and found/find it quite a joy to drive.
I still ponder getting a Miata from time to time, because I've always wanted a convertible sports car, and, hopefully it'll be more appreciation "this time around" for the car ala the 325.
Gosh, some of y'all are a little sensitive... 
Comedic rhetoric isn't always easy to convey online. Test drive one and compare it to a MR2.
I've never seen a woman driving an mr2 or heard any stereotype that it was a girls car
In reply to ryanty22:
My cousin and his husband bought an MR S after they ran off to Vermont to get married.