Okay, so 45 - 55 miles per hour, hilly. Nothing special on my part - just set the cruise and forget it. I had 51.3 MPG rolling onto town, and when I parked:

I seldom drive for miles at these speeds, but it's good to know the CR-Z forum folks aren't magic or lying.
7/8/15 4:13 p.m.
My current crop of cars all get terrible mileage regardless of how I drive them (1967 Chevelle, 1966 Plymouth Fury with a 440, and 1981 FJ60 with 35's and 4.88 gears)
Fortunately my wife works from home and doesn't drive much aside from going to the store etc so the 13MPG she gets in the Denali is inconsequential. I have a work car that includes free gas in exchange for dealing with the public when I am off duty (It stays parked most of the time I am off