7/21/13 9:02 a.m.
As pointed out by my son. My neighbour just came home with a 2009 Chrome Yellow ZR1. This from a guy who owns twin Chrysler 300s -- neither one a V8.
Shocking . . .
I wonder if I can convince him to come to one of my track days. Seems a crime to have a 638 hp toy, and never take it for a run.
What are the odds he slides into a curb/tree soon?
7/21/13 9:28 a.m.
icaneat50eggs wrote:
What are the odds he slides into a curb/tree soon?
He's put enough armour all on the tires to make that a real possibility. He's obsessive about his lawn. Maybe he can become a track junkie and let his go a tiny bit, thereby relieving some pressure on me and the other neighbours.
7/21/13 10:30 a.m.
Tell him you want the motor after he backs the thing into a ditch at high speed.
7/21/13 12:36 p.m.
What are the odds he slides into a curb/tree soon?
A lot less than if he was driving an Elise.. or a Miata..or an e36 m3..
Don't feel bad. My neighbor's 911 makes more than twice as much horsepower as mine.
7/21/13 2:34 p.m.
David S. Wallens wrote:
Don't feel bad. My neighbor's 911 makes more than twice as much horsepower as mine.
Yours is much (air) cooler though . . .
I don't even have the fastest miata on my street.
(Alright, I might own the best handling miata on the street, the rest look to be stock)
Pretty sure I can keep up with the worlds loudest and slowest mustang from across the way though.
Bonus points: Every person who moves into my neighborhood these days has a 'drift car' that they park on the street.
7/21/13 5:28 p.m.
FWIW, I'm pretty sure I've got the fastest CRX on my street 
7/21/13 5:50 p.m.
Well, i just started my 86 CRX with the new weber i put on it, so i might be about to lay that claim on my rural street as well!
7/21/13 6:05 p.m.
I have the fastest Mazdaspeed 3 in my parking space....
I've got the fastest(only) Yugo in the state of Michigan last I checked.
I'm quite certain my car is the fastest on my street. But that's not saying much with it being a lightly-tuned wrx.....my street is heavily populated with Accords, Camrys, Lexuses, and SUVs. I can't think of a single car (non-SUV) owned by anyone on my street that I would want to own. Not a single one. Boringville USA.
I drive the highest mileage vehicle at work. I'm proud of my 433,000 miles. Is it OK to brag on that?
7/21/13 8:00 p.m.
Kenny_McCormic wrote:
I've got the fastest(only) Yugo in the state of Michigan last I checked.
Pretty sure I've got the fastest Wartburg in the U.S. :)
7/21/13 8:16 p.m.
Appleseed wrote:
I drive the highest mileage vehicle at work. I'm proud of my 433,000 miles. Is it OK to brag on that?
HELL YES. That's legit right there.
I have the fastest car on my street too. Unfortunately all that means is I'm the only car guy on my street. At least I don't have the fastest car of my friends. If I did, I'd have to consider getting new friends. 
When the Olds is done it still will not be the fastest car on my street. Especially when you consider there is a 2013 GT500 at the end of my street...Hell even SWMBO's Buick has a more powerful engine than what I am putting in the Olds. And no she will not let me have it for the Olds.
7/21/13 8:59 p.m.
I doubt he will ever exceed .5G in ANY direction....
7/21/13 9:12 p.m.
rebelgtp wrote:
When the Olds is done it still will not be the fastest car on my street. Especially when you consider there is a 2013 GT500 at the end of my street...Hell even SWMBO's Buick has a more powerful engine than what I am putting in the Olds. And no she will not let me have it for the Olds.
Quick stop while she isn't looking?
I think I've got the fastest car on my street, but the a-hole on the next block earns the "distinction" of having the loudest Hardley in the frigging universe.
At least it seems that way at 3am.
Know that if there is a hell, there's a special place for him...filled with uncorked rotaries...or hondas...or silence. Jackholes.
I not only have the fastest car/s in my street, but also the fastest F700.
7/21/13 11:09 p.m.
I have the fastest motorcycle on the block...because the guy with the Aprilia is two blocks over.
I have the fastest car on my street.
I have the fastest truck on my street.
I have the fastest boat on my street.
I have the fastest mower on my street.
I have the only house on my street.....