Only on this board will a thread about a street track car get morphed into "Yeah, but you should buy a single seater race car!". LOL. There are many, many reasons why someone who wants a dual use street/track car won't even entertain a single seater race car. Maybe they don't have an SUV to tow with, or have no space to store the race car, or the trailer. Or want to deal with finding a shop that will maintain such a specialty vehicle or find a venue event that allows them in a DE setting. Most people just don't want a single seater, those who do, are serious racers already involved in that class of car. The guy who wants a dual use street/track car doesn't, it's not even a blip on the radar.
Let's compare what you have to do with each, assuming our "client" lives in a typical HOA suburban neighborhood. Ie, can't park a trailer on the street in front of their house to store it, can't leave the trailer in their driveway and can't leave it on the property. The day/night before/early morning of, they've got to go get the trailer, bring it to their house, check the car over, load the car, load the spares etc. Drive to the venue, unload car, get things set up, do event. Load car, load trailer. Drive home and either that night or next day, unload car and trailer at home, then go drop trailer off at storage. Contrast that with a dual use car. Make sure car is ready, which consists of checking the oil and tire pressures, get in car, drive to event. Have fun! Drive car home. Park in garage. Done.
This doesn't address the fact that with the race car you have to maintain a trailer, insure it, register it, pay for storage. Buy a suitable tow vehicle if you don't have one. Pay to maintain it, if it's not your DD now it's taking up space at your house. If it is your DD now you're DD an SUV vs something that's likely more fun to drive. What's the resale on a single seater race car vs something like a GT3? GT3's appreciate in value...
I've done the trailer thing vs driving my "Track car" to the track and for me, where I live, the trailer was a huge PITA to deal with. I much prefer a dual use car that I use to tow a small tire trailer to the track. Easy to store, easy to deal with, less time involved, less to pay for.