As some of you may have noticed, the site was down several hours Saturday. Surprisingly, I didn't do it.
Turns out a transformer at the data center that stores the GRM server caught fire. The server itself was fine, but they cut all the power for hours while they put out the blaze.
Fire. As if I didn't have enough problems to solve already. :nice:
Thank goodness!
I thought it was something I'd done.
Missed ya. Hope things will be back to normal soon.
So the pic of the car on fire for a sever error is accurate:grin:
Would that be why I've been seeing this? I would think so, except that I'm continuing to struggle with it as I write.
Proxy Error
The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /forum/grm/.
Reason: Error reading from remote server
remind me of when i say the fire dept. do a practice burn on a camero, watching the alloys glow cheery bomb red was sweet
Dyintorace, yup, that's why.
I still don't think it's back 100%. I don't know for sure but it feels like there's one server running and it's trying to handle all the load while they get the other ones back up.
6/1/08 3:08 a.m. is taking me to the Classic Motorsports site. is taking me here.
Yay! we're back...
I was starting to get the shakes...
Almost back. Some stuff still isn't turned on, and some stuff is pretty wobbly, but we're getting there.
6/2/08 10:20 a.m.
thank god, was beginning to worry that some disaster had struck grm. Was going to check the news for reports of freak meteor hit/tidal wave/rogue hurricanes in Florida.
You mean this WASN'T Baxters fault? Damn texacans......
You can blame it on me if you like. :nice:
I'm just thrilled someone else gets to take the hit for this- you must be too!
That is the best excuse for a website outage I've ever heard. And yes, the burning car was karma.
"down for several hours Saturday"
This is the first time (Monday 6/2/08,12:40pm CST) I've been able to get on the site since Friday afternoon.
When I wrote that ( May 31, 2008 8:56 p.m. ) it was out several hours. Then it decided to go out for 36 more, or thereabouts.
Still having problems...when I navigate around the board, half the time I get this message:
Proxy Error
The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /forum/grm/i-should-have-known-that-burning-car-was-a-bad-ide/739/page1/.
Reason: Error reading from remote server
6/2/08 12:52 p.m.
Wow, it must've been a big explosion. It knocked out a bunch of other websites that I visit too.
Oh noes, the internet is exploding! Run!
stuart in mn wrote: Still having problems...when I navigate around the board, half the time I get this message:
Proxy Error
The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /forum/grm/i-should-have-known-that-burning-car-was-a-bad-ide/739/page1/.
Reason: Error reading from remote server
Stuart, I responded to you in the other thread in which you mentioned it.
Jay, that does sound like the same one.
Baxter forgot to appease JoBu

I found the problem.

Datacenters and transformers mix well..usually. We had one explode in a remote site. Talk about fun.
It always nice to know it isn't your problem.
6/2/08 2:27 p.m.
right now is giving me "site not configured."
Good. I'm halfway to fixing it then.
That's why folks were getting logged out arbitrarily.
6/2/08 3:49 p.m.
Who is this Ar Bitrary, and why is he logging me off? 
carguy, take a look at
If the fix hasn't taken for you yet, it should.