Hmmm. Good info....
so a bit of history: we bought it as a manual truck that hadn't been run in years. It has larger (33"?) somewhat aggressive tires.
got it home, got it running decent and drove it around a little bit. It never ran great, sometimes wouldn't crank, sometimes wouldn't start. A few incredibly loose valves (oblong guide holes, intake and exhaust valves hitting each other...), ancient gas and loose wires all were rectified. )
when I Say a little bit I mean probably 50 miles, 40 of which were on the freeway so not really stop and go.
But we never had this sound.
then my wife said she wanted it painted so I stripped it down and sent it off. During it's a sense, I rebuilt the motor, bought this auto trans (try as I might I could not convince her to keep it a stick) and got ready for its return.
I did not touch tires, ujoints or rear end.
It almost sounds like tire noise but the noise is gone during accel and cruising. Assitionally, and I will double check this, but it seems not be there at low speed decel at all, but doesn't really sneak up on you. It's either there or not. And since it shifts super smooth, I wonder if it is only happening in 2nd and/or third?
the rear end leaks but I made sure it was topped it off before driving for the first time and it never made this sound before.
doesn't mean it isn't the rear end, and that is a great suggestion, but I only changed the motor and trans so I kind of suspect it is ok.
I want to see how the gearing is for highway use to see if I want to change it before pulling it apart. But since it leaks bad I will definitely be pulling it out.
I just remembered that I pulled both axles and replaced the axle bearings and seals during the down time. I made sure the bearings were fully seated but I did sort of get into the rear end during the down time.
Finally, there were some signs that this guy either didn't do a rebuild or was not good. It was painted black. Not just the trans but the gunk and dirt in the crevices as well.
It came with the adapter on the tail end and I pulled it off just to check the seal since I had bought a new one. The seal was as hard as a rock and the bearing felt, well, weird. So I bought a new bearing and replaced both.
when I filled it, the pan was leaking as was the kickdown seal. I added An oring to the kickdown which seems to have pretty much stopped it as did snugging the pan bolts a little more.
so I have little faith in his "word" that it was rebuilt or rebuilt correctly.
I am not scared of digging into this thing. If the noise persists after going through the rear end, how hard is that one-way clutch to replace? Special tools??
would it be worth trying some magic additive in the meantime? Marvel mystery oil or similar?