New flash: It's HOT in Texas.
I need tint, E36 M3 is melting in my car.
I don't want my stuff turning purple, and I was really good heat blocking ability without going darker than say, 30%.
A friend of mine just got his Xterra tinted at a very clean shop that sold "Llumar" tint. It cost him almost $400 for their premium stuff. Is that to be expected? Is that a quality tint?
What should I look for?
Shop around. I had all the windows in my work van done for $100.00 a little more than a year ago. The back got "limo" tint and the front at 25%. I don't know what brand he used, but it hasn't turned funky colors yet. Makes a huge difference in the temp inside. Also keeps people from eyeballing my tools and stuff in the back. $400.00 sounds kind of steep, though the guy who did mine did say that if he had to remove old tint or if the windows had major compound curves the price did go up.
I think walmart sells the stuff you had on your truck. 
There's a guy here in Wichita KS that does tinting with good stuff that won't turn purple or any other weird shade for about $120 a car; for that kind of savings it'd be worth it to drive up and have it done, but I'm sure there are people doing this sort of thing for a lot less than $400 in TX.
when I had mine done I was told by the installer that I would have no trouble with them turning purple as long as I didn't use any window cleaner that contained ammonia .... so far (7yrs +) he's been right
he also recommended using the same solution to clean with that he used to install..... dawn dish washing liquid and water.... seems to work...
8/31/09 6:31 p.m.
I've had Llumar on three cars, two done professionally and one DIY job. I bought the DIY stuff on ebay, of course. After learning how to do it myself through some reading, trial, and error, I really think it's worth paying to get it done. When in hot places where tinting is very common (down south, especially) it's pretty darn cheap to get it done. Based on the price I paid for the tools and materials to do it myself and the price I paid for a professional job, the install costs are less than $100 and looked a lot better than the job I did myself. Llumar has a lifetime warranty on the tint itself, and I can say that my car that's had it on for about 8 years now hasn't faded at all. As mentioned, don't use glass cleaner with ammonia in it, that'll ruin things.
You should be able to get the WRXtasy done for under $200.00 regardless.
8/31/09 6:57 p.m.
Oh yeah, you shouldn't be paying more than $200 or so for any car. No need to get any "premium" stuff...the base level Llumar or similar quality tints will last a heck of a long time if treated right, and as I mentioned they have a lifetime warranty.
Just had my truck done here in Austin and it was $195.
The "purple" tint is tinted with coloring, and it fades after about 5 years in the Texas sun, causing it to turn purple.
The more "expensive" tint is tinted with little flakes of metal. Metal doesn't fade, so it will last a long time. NEVER clean the windows with ammonia, it'll ruin any tint job over time.
I've had my MINI tinted for 6+ years now with no fading.
Usually, the price difference in materials is only $20-30, the cost is in the labor. $400 is outrageous if it wasn't a dealer add-on.
Make sure to keep it legal darkness. Some shops might offer to tint it darker than the law allows, but I wouldn't recommend it. (Especially if you live in a big city like Houston or Dallas).
Once you get the tint done, get a front window shade and USE it. Pony up the extra $3 for one of the reflective ones, it'll save your dash and make a huge difference inside the car.
Welcome to Texas!
Whatever you do, don't get the tint that looks "metallic". Not sure if that's the official term, but go with black. Your wagon wouldn't look good with the former.
In other words, don't get this:

Counter argument-metallic means less sun in and less view in and you can still see out. 
Positive aspect of metallic tint: His car could be called the "Silver Bullet."
Negative: It is associated with Coors.
FWIW, when I mentioned tinted with metal, it is NOT a metallic look (Although that was an option). All our cars have the standard dark grey smoke look and are still using tint with metal flakes in it.
There is thicker ceramic-based tint that is supposed to be even better for rejecting heat and UV. It is thick and expensive and hard to put on. Maybe that is what your friend got for $400.
I am thinking about getting my wifes car tinted, anyone know of a good shop/person in the Columbus Ohio area?
Sorry for the thread jack.
its $155 at my shop in florida for LLUmar but thats probaly high for these parts check for local shops in the new york middletown area xcheck out my brother make sure you heard it hear
On my legacy I have the metal based tint, the radio antenna is in the back window and afterr the tint it really messed with my reception. I do get less heat but it could be better.
Now on the Wifes new fit, I got ceramic based tint, it was more expensive but man what a difference. With the big window space, when it is 115 out you can get in the car, put your hand on the inside of the window and it is warm, but not hot like the legacy is.
I am sold on the ceramic stuff, we got the one from 3M, it is not dark but it does a sweet job rejecting the UV that makes things so hot inside. It was more expensive than regular, but well worth it in this climate, I am thinking of getting the stuff on my car replaced with the ceramic it is that good.