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Boost_Crazy New Reader
4/17/14 5:48 p.m.

A few years ago I managed an Autozone. My favorite was when a guy came in to return a brake rotor that he had bought for is Tahoe. After he had used it for six months. He claimed that it was the wrong size. I looked at the rotor, and the wear appeared to be normal. The pads had been riding where they should have been. He claimed that his truck was in the shop, and the mechanic told him that one side was bigger then the other, and we gave him the wrong size. I was suspicious, as the wear was normal, and I could only find one size rotor for that vehicle. It's not uncommon for people to wreck their car and then try to return the parts that they bought months or even years prior. Rather then argue, I simply asked him to return with the rotor from the other side. If it was different, I'd return the "wrong" one. I didn't expect to see him again. But he returned an hour later, two rotors in hand. I put them up against each other, and they were a perfect match. Confused, I looked at him and asked, "These are the same? You said that we gave you the wrong one. Why did you return?" He replied that he thought we should return it anyway- why should I care, it's not my money? I told him he may as well ask the people in now sizable line if they would like to chip in for him, since people like him cause them all to pay higher prices. This got a pretty good chuckle from the crowd that was listening in, and he left with his tail between his legs.

Spoolpigeon UltraDork
4/17/14 6:37 p.m.

In reply to Javelin:

Yes. They really do think ALL chevy parts are interchangeable. One of my guys went round and round with a customer like that today. He came in and wanted a water pump for a 'small block'. My guy asked what year, he said "it don't matter, pick one". No problem, grabbed one for an 85 350 truck and sent the guy on his merry way. An our later he calls the store and he is PISSED. I tell him to bring the old pump in so we can match it up and get the correct one. He goes on to tell me how dumb I am for not being able to get a simple water pump....... 20 minutes later he walks in the door carrying this huge ass water pump from.................. a berkeleying 5.3L

Spoolpigeon UltraDork
4/17/14 6:38 p.m.

I'm sorry if I sound sour about things. 95% of the folks that come in are nice and friendly. It's just that other 5% that can really push one to their limits.

Mitchell UltraDork
4/17/14 7:10 p.m.

On a slow day, you should lay out all of the different model water pumps, take a picture, and make a poster titled, "THEY ARE NOT THE SAME."

solfly Reader
4/17/14 8:04 p.m.

I worked at napa for 11 years. I have stories for days.

"I need an adapter for my grease gun to fit the big fitting on my brake calipers."

Kenny_McCormic UberDork
4/17/14 8:52 p.m.
Mitchell wrote: On a slow day, you should lay out all of the different model water pumps, take a picture, and make a poster titled, "THEY ARE NOT THE SAME."

SBC gen 1 valve cover gaskets and exhaust manifold gaskets too.

Javelin GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/17/14 10:16 p.m.

That's hilarious! I was expecting a short/long nose water pump, not an LS!!!

Wally GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/18/14 5:37 a.m.

In reply to Spoolpigeon: That's the problem with most jobs. I have been trying to convince some people that they would save time if the put their toaster in the shower so they could make breakfast while they got ready for work. The problem would correct itself in no time.

iceracer PowerDork
4/18/14 9:17 a.m.

Best one I ever had.

Fellow buys a set of lug nuts. Nothing special.

A couple days later he comes in and said he didn't need them after all. Had them in a paper bag. I dumped them on the counter and they were the old rusty ones. I didn't say a word, just looked at him. He turned and walked out.

some people will try anything to save a buck

wbjones UltimaDork
4/18/14 9:52 a.m.

did he take the old lug nuts with him ? or did you have to dump them ?

Appleseed MegaDork
4/18/14 10:07 a.m.

In reply to wbjones:

Or throw them at the back of his head.

Curmudgeon MegaDork
4/18/14 12:45 p.m.
Spoolpigeon wrote: In reply to Javelin: Yes. They really do think ALL chevy parts are interchangeable. One of my guys went round and round with a customer like that today. He came in and wanted a water pump for a 'small block'. My guy asked what year, he said "it don't matter, pick one". No problem, grabbed one for an 85 350 truck and sent the guy on his merry way. An our later he calls the store and he is PISSED. I tell him to bring the old pump in so we can match it up and get the correct one. He goes on to tell me how dumb I am for not being able to get a simple water pump....... 20 minutes later he walks in the door carrying this huge ass water pump from.................. a berkeleying 5.3L

Words guaranteed to make a true parts guy (not the kids who depend on the computer to look stuff up) break out in a cold sweat:

'They all da same, ain't they?'

miatame HalfDork
4/18/14 12:57 p.m.

I was in autozone last week just poking around. I overhead the guy behind the parts counter try and explain why some part wasn't right for his Jeep. The parts guy "are you sure it is a Cherokee, not a Grand Cherokee?", to which I wanted to scream, come on parts guys, always with this question?. Then the guy paused, looked up and said, "Maybe it IS a Grand Cherokee". I wanted to slam my palm right onto my forehead. So THIS is why I always get asked three times if I'm sure I have a Cherokee and not a Grand. THANKS BUDDY!

Swank Force One
Swank Force One MegaDork
4/18/14 1:06 p.m.
miatame wrote: I was in autozone last week just poking around. I overhead the guy behind the parts counter try and explain why some part wasn't right for his Jeep. The parts guy "are you sure it is a Cherokee, not a Grand Cherokee?", to which I wanted to scream, come on parts guys, always with this question?. Then the guy paused, looked up and said, "Maybe it IS a Grand Cherokee". I wanted to slam my palm right onto my forehead. So THIS is why I always get asked three times if I'm sure I have a Cherokee and not a Grand. THANKS BUDDY!

It's gone the other way, too.... for some reason, i find the parts stores around here don't remember that there was once just a "Cherokee."

Bobzilla PowerDork
4/18/14 1:31 p.m.
Spoolpigeon wrote: I'm sorry if I sound sour about things. 15% of the folks that come in are nice and friendly. It's just that other 85% that can really push one to their limits.

Fixed for Accuracy. I've been slinging parts for close to 15 years. It never gets any better.

Bobzilla PowerDork
4/18/14 1:36 p.m.
Kenny_McCormic wrote:
Mitchell wrote: On a slow day, you should lay out all of the different model water pumps, take a picture, and make a poster titled, "THEY ARE NOT THE SAME."
SBC gen 1 valve cover gaskets and exhaust manifold gaskets too.

Amen. When I worked for the 'Zone when I would get some smart ass that refused to tell me what the engine was, I'd grab some fel-pro center bolt gaskets, slide them out and say "these look right". That was usually met with "hell no they don't!" That would usually get a more accurate response.

To a lot of these people all SBC's from 1955 to today all use the same water pump (except corvette), starter, oil pan gasket, VC and intake gaskets and alternators. It's amazing how stupid people were. The internet hasn't made them any less stupid. Now they take mis-information and swear by it and call you an idiot when you point out WHY it's wrong and what they really need.

I tell all my guys: "Don't give them what they ask for, give them what they need." MAkes it hard some days.

Trans_Maro UltraDork
4/18/14 2:12 p.m.

I always try to give my parts guys a part number as well as the application. We work on some weird stuff at times and I get that 90% of their day is selling tune-up parts for a 2004 Tahoe.

They're definitely not all the same.

bluej SuperDork
4/18/14 2:30 p.m.

Can one of y'all please move to ANY DC area store? I've had to explain what a banjo bolt is to no less than 4 different parts store employees this week while looking for a different size. sigh

Trans_Maro UltraDork
4/18/14 2:40 p.m.

Unfortunately, most parts place won't pay a good counter guy what he's worth because "the computer knows everything".

You pay peanuts and you get monkeys.

Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/18/14 2:45 p.m.
Trans_Maro wrote: You pay peanuts and you get monkeys.

Preach it, brother!

Javelin GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/18/14 9:51 p.m.
Trans_Maro wrote: Unfortunately, most parts place won't pay a good counter guy what he's worth because "the computer knows everything". You pay peanuts and you get monkeys.


Mazda787b Reader
4/19/14 2:08 a.m.

While I haven't been on the counter in over 6+ mos, I just got word that my current manager is being transferred to my old store. Main benefits is that it's 3 minutes from my home, the customers are better, and I work with my friends vs. a group of mouth-breathers...

Got a story for everyone today, funny that it came up after the sbc discussion today. I actually witnessed it while picking up some things from my dad's store.

Customer comes in, early 30's Latino guy. Picking up some supplies to spraybomb his Cutlass. Walks up to the counter..

Customer: "I need a battery for my car, no cheap battery either, I need a powerful one."
My Dad: "Sure pal, what is it going in?"
C: "I have a professionally built motor in my 85 Cutlass, I need the best you've got."
D: "Tell you what, I have a direct-fit with 700 CCA for $118. Even better, I have a dual-post with 800 CCA for $129"
C: "Don't you have anything cheaper?"
D: "Sure I do, I have plenty of cheap batteries, I thought you wanted a good one?"
C: "Yeah, I also need an alternator. How much do they cost?"
D: "Anywhere from $80-$200 on average, what kind of motor is in it? "
C: "A big 350, money is no object." D: "Well do you know what year it is? It's obviously not the original engine."
C: "I don't know."
D: "Then it could be an old 350, Vortec 350, Olds 350, Pontiac 350, Buick 350, or a 5.7 LS? Do you have any info on it at all?"
C: "What's the difference between them."
D: "Output, plug type, how they're clocked, pulley, case size."
C: "Can't you just give me one?"
D: "I can surely give you a wrong one. Do you have the old to match it up?"
C: "I have an old one, it doesn't fit though. Does that help?"
D: "Sure, if you want a wrong one. Is there any way you can figure out what you've got?"
C: "I don't understand how you can't figure this out. Just give me the paint."

The 3 of us there collectively facepalmed. I miss being behind the counter. It's a good break from dealing with people at the "big person" job. Not speaking through a filter like when at the hospital is a great stress releaver.

Spoolpigeon UltraDork
4/19/14 6:10 a.m.
Trans_Maro wrote: Unfortunately, most parts place won't pay a good counter guy what he's worth because "the computer knows everything". You pay peanuts and you get monkeys.

My place pays less than McDonalds down the street. Can't exactly hire a pro staff with that kinda pay.

Javelin GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/22/14 9:03 a.m.

Yesterday was berkeleying weird. Half the damn store had the day off, vacation, or was sick, so it was just the Manager, me, and Mickey D (our usual closer, total GRM guy) from open to lunch. Manager's trying just to get the normal "open the store" crap done, and mix a ton of paint for a fleet customer. Then the bizarre starts coming...

Our 2nd best account is a rickity repair shop in the bad part of town in a gravel lot. Great guys, but their always doing things like Windstar transmissions. They call in about brakes on an 09 AMG. $950 per disc buddy, you sure you want to take that job?

Then the local Community College calls, the geniuses there decided that they are qualified to work on a boat (the same people who ordered 3 spark plugs for an Aveo earlier in the day).

Then one of our loggers comes in that's been working on his old F one fiddy for a few weeks, still pissed that he can't get it to run right. He's convinced it's a 94, yet it has a 95 MAF sensor, a 95 firing order, and a 95 VIN. He was hung up on the "build date" (For those that don't know, Ford did a massive changeover to the drivelines from 94 to 95, including firing order).

We also have a WalMartian who apparently won the lottery, because he went from buying ~$5 worth of randomness a week for his 85 Dodge truck, to suddenly dropping $1000 on it's three days in a row. Some sort of settlement check, for sure.

Rufledt SuperDork
4/22/14 11:07 a.m.
Mitchell wrote: On a slow day, you should lay out all of the different model water pumps, take a picture, and make a poster titled, "THEY ARE NOT THE SAME."

I don't get how people can think they are all the same. I was in my local parts store getting something, I think a bucket and some car wash soap/cotton towels. The place didn't have any other customers so I figured while I was here i'd just see what a computer for my 87 e-150 costs. I gave the guy the year, engine, transmission, everything, and it came up with 10 different computers with 10 parts numbers and prices.

If all 1987 E-150's with a 302 and 4 speed auto don't share the same part, how could millions of 'small block chevy' engines share the same water pump?

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