It's been done in a Corvette, (Brock Yates), a Ferrari, a HD Road King, A KLR and many many other types of vehicles. Which Miata for a trip up the Alaskan Hwy to the Arctic Circle.
Larger than average bear type driver, relatively handy with tools, and have driven everything from bikes to 18 Wheelers in our past.
Trip will be this time of year the summer of 2023.
One with a Paco suspension just so you can get off of the beaten path a bit more?
Until you mentioned Alaska, I was going to point out that there was a big Miata event a few years ago that involved driving to the Arctic. But it was in Europe where that drive is a little less arduous. It's also been done in Miatas in the past.
The correct Miata is the Miata you like best, in good mechanical condition and using reasonable mechanical sympathy. Find some way to pack a real spare tire or install some tires with a little more sidewall structure, maybe. My grandparents drove a rented minivan.
This has been done a bunch of times. I just remembered that one of our customers drove it a few years back in a turbo 1990 Miata that was closing on 500k miles and was pristine enough to win best of show awards. Top Gear did it in a stock ND fairly recently.

I think the NC would have the most storage space so I'd go with that one. A receiver hitch with a small platform for things you don't want spilling inside the car, like extra gas and coolant and such, seems like it would be smart as well as adding more storage area. I like the idea of lifting the suspension a couple of inches and selecting a tire for the job (non-studded snows?).
The NC seems to have the most interior room, from what we can read. Rear hitch basket is a great idea. Thoughts on raised suspension?
If a stock ND can make it, I think the raised suspension is mostly for being tacticool. More importantly, spend some time in an NC. I find their seats are not universally comfortable.

This with studded snow tires or those tracked adapter hubs I have seen on some cars.