SV reX said:
1966 VW bus. Like this:

I sold it for $125. It's probably worth about $15,000 now.
At one point I wanted a split window. I was looking at $2k for non runners in the early-mid 90s.
Then I ended up with aforementioned big block Ford, kind of the polar opposite automotive wise.
8/7/23 10:48 p.m.
1969 Chevy Impala... straight-6... two-speed automatic. Nope.
Second through sixth(?) car, all Datsun 1200s. Still miss them.
Renault Dauphine- No, no, a thousand times no!
My second car was a '64 Corvette convertible. I'd like to still own it.
1993 K1500 Blazer that lost all oil pressure and I stupidly sold for $1500? 100% yes I would buy it back

8/8/23 8:59 a.m.
1977 Pontiac Grand Prix bought in '85 while home on leave in the Navy, from a friend of my parents. This is what it looked like at purchase:

Now imagine black American Racing wheels with Eagle ST tires, primer flat black (badly because Navy hobby shop equipment was crap and I was clueless), and a giant ass hood scoop pop riveted on because race car.
SV reX
8/8/23 9:24 a.m.
Pete. (l33t FS) said:
SV reX said:
1966 VW bus. Like this:

I sold it for $125. It's probably worth about $15,000 now.
At one point I wanted a split window. I was looking at $2k for non runners in the early-mid 90s.
Then I ended up with aforementioned big block Ford, kind of the polar opposite automotive wise.
I had a friend who had swapped in a Porsche motor. Ever see a breadbox do a wheelie? I have.
Mine did 0-60 in about an hour and a half.
A Ford Fairmont wagon running on 5 of 6 cylinders, a chain going around the front bumper to hold the hood down, three wire hangers holding the rear passenger-side bumper on, and more. I got $20 from a junkyard for it. A lot of memories were made in that car, but no, I wouldn't buy it back in that condition.
I actually did buy my first car back once. Ten years after selling it, the guy happened to come into the parts store I was working at and the daughter he'd bought it for had grown up and gone to school and married and all that and he didn't need it anymore. 1973 super beetle. It was a pretty rough example, but no rust. I rebuilt the engine with some extra atmosphere, had some fun and then decided to sell it again. Bad move.
My first car was a forgettable 1959 Anglia Prefect I paid $70 for, so probably not. My 2nd car was a '64 Galaxie 'Vert with a 352 & 4 speed. In the hands of a child, what the heck were my parents thinking letting me buy this? (mine was darker blue than this, but had Torque Thrusts). I would certainly but one again!

I also still have my first car. Looks like this, but much worse:

Nope, not at all. My 2nd car has been parked in the garage of the guy I sold it to for over 30-years, and I wouldn't want it back either.
Really there's only one car I'd like to find. I search for it every couple years, but I'm guessing it's in the garage of the person who got it from me, untouched. There were 2 brothers who autoxed locally & their mom bought my Colt rally car as a surprise for them. I'm not sure they actually wanted it.
I'd take a manual version in a different color, but I wouldn't want the exact same car. I'd rather have a 350Z back.
My first car was a 1972 MG Midget that I got in '77. I expect it's a rusty looking stain some where now, but I would buy it back if it were in the same condition I sold it in.
In reply to David S. Wallens :
Amazing. We had the exact same first car. I got mine used, so it might have literally been the exact same car.
Maybe? '75 Nova, plastered in bike company stickers (I got it that way). I think I've got a lot more fond memories of the absurdity of it and the person I got it from than the car itself. I suspect it wouldn't be the same and without unlimited parking, I wouldn't know what to do with it.
Yes. If I could find one. I would even put up with it not starting in the morning.

I either still own my first car, the 1978 MG midget I tube framed and put a 13B in. Or it was the 1984 Fiero that was in a flood after I had owned it for 5 years and cut in half to make a trailer. I honestly can't remember which one I got first. The Midget was for sure the first one I bought with my money for $150. The Fiero was bought for me for $350 because it needed a clutch.
I still own the midget but if a good deal on a rust free 84 Fiero showed up I would buy one. Obviously my actual one would be impossible. B
In reply to Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) :
Mine was a 61 (in 1985) that my dad brought hime in boxes. After restoration and driving it, it ended up going to Gremany. I now have a full on race/autocross one that I built from a partial restoration my dad started. He gave me my first car, and now I have his last.
Even if I hadn't gotten into an accident, absolutely not. My dad gave it to me after he got something else. '89 Ford Ford Econobox GT with incredibly super-faded red paint.
My next car was the '88 300ZX I had from my junior of high school to my sophomore year of college. Wouldn't mind an 87-89 Turbo Z if I could find one in good condition.
The idea of owning and driving these in modern traffic was better than the experience. Pass for me. My 3rd car, a '90 Civic hatchback, was much better.

Kinda murky as the were a few. Black 5 spd cream cloth interior 88 Accord LXi was handed down to me. Black C5 Z06 I was a co-owner of, and first car I bought living on my own $800 black 200,000 mile 92 Sentra SE-R. Best damn $800 car I'll ever own. I didn't really have a choice on color, that's just what they happened to be. I'd own all of them again.
'85 S-10 with a 327 and 5 speed swapped in. Yeah, I'd take that one back. I still have the '75 spitfire that replaced it, though 20 years in storage hasn't made it better.