Was just catching up on my latest TMZ, err, CNBC news and found this fun little quip:
Jackson listed automobile assets of over $500,000, including a 1966 Chevrolet Coupe and a 2013 Suzuki Kizashi Sport. A previous filing revealed he leased a Bentley Mulsanne for more than $135,000.
Who would have thought 50 Cent would be rolling around in a Kizashi? Probably for when the Bentley was in the shop
For all we know he could be browsing the forums as we speak...
The Kisashi is THE car for ballers man, where you been?

Rollin' in a Suzuki?
Should change his name to .50 Cent.
Celebrities like to have "normal" cars to keep the paparazzi off their backs. If you drive around in a supercar every day...well look at what happens to Justin Bieber all the time.
Black celebrities especially like "normal" cars to avoid getting pulled over by the cops. Even Chris Rock has this problem, and he doesn't dress like Fiddy...
As a side bar, where in the world would you get a Suzuki worked on now and how would you get parts??
spitfirebill wrote:
As a side bar, where in the world would you get a Suzuki worked on now and how would you get parts??
There is still a network for many yrs after a company quits selling in the U.S. I mean there is still a daihatsu outlet in Cali.... When was the last time they sold a new vehicle here? 1988?
Wasn't there an ad for a Suzuki that used a 50 Cent song? That was probably part of his payment.
8/4/15 10:16 a.m.
I actually think its a decent looking car 
Kizashi....turbo? Didnt know there was such a creature, I know some came awd...hmmm
After this came up I checked Craiglsist. There is a turbo 4wd in our area for $12k+
Celebrities also probably have normal cars to keep the miles off their exotics, and to keep those repair bills down. Ferrari maintenance is still much more costly than Mazda maintenance.
8/4/15 3:08 p.m.
probably a car for the assistant/handler to drive
I'm guessing it's a car for one of his entourage or assistants. I can't see Fiddy driving a Suzuki.
In reply to spitfirebill:
Ludacris still drives around in his '93 Acura Legend. I don't blame him, it's a sweet ride!

I think a Kizashi is an excellent choice for celebrities. You're not going to pull up to the restaurant and see another one parked there.
ssswitch wrote:
I think a Kizashi is an excellent choice for celebrities. You're not going to pull up to the restaurant and see another one parked there.
Or anywhere else you go either.
8/4/15 7:58 p.m.
My neighbor has one. Who would have thought an elderly white lady would have the same taste as Fiddy
I too like how the Kizashi looks...
$12,000 a month for child support?
Isn't Ludacris in some financial trouble? Maybe the Legend is all he can afford 
I drove a Kizashi once, even have a T-shirt to prove it. At the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix (cool event BTW) a few years ago, they had a little auto x course set up a few blocks away where you could drive one back to back with an A4 and some other less interesting cars that I don't remember. My lap went something like this:
Me: "So it's cool if I get on it a little bit right?"
Suzuki Rep: "Yea, sure, drive it as hard as you like."
Suzuki Rep: "Sir! You need to slow down!"
Me: "But you said I could get on it!"
Suzuki Rep: "We're done!"
I didn't get to drive the Audi afterwards 
Understeered like a pig is all I remember, otherwise a totally forgettable car. Styling is like a mkVI Jetta knock off. If only Suzuki could build cars like they build bikes - I love my Bandit 600.