New Reader
4/13/09 9:34 a.m.
So over Easter Brunch I found out a distant uncle has an immaculate 48k mile 1981 Honda Accord. He's the original owner.
He was wondering what to do with it and I instinctively said, “I’ll take it!”
So now what?
Is this thing collectible? Does it have any value?
I'm a huge Honda fan, 4 outta 5 in my fleet are Hondas, but...
What would you do?
Keep it clean and drive the wheels off it.
Being another Honda nut, I wouldn't think it's worth that much. If it was an original CVCC or the holy grail, a first or second generation CRX then it'd be worth its weight in gold. 
I don't figure theres a lot you can "do" to it. Just drive and enjoy.
Is it a hatchback or a sedan?
I had an '81 sedan as my first car. If it's the teal green color like mine was I'll buy it from you.
We had a 79 four door. I loved that car. The only issue we had with the time we owned it was it had the classic surging for a few minutes after a hot start. It was the last car sold in the US that could burn leaded gasoline and the plugs would lead foul.
jwdmotorsports wrote:
Is it a hatchback or a sedan?
I had an '81 sedan as my first car. If it's the teal green color like mine was I'll buy it from you.
My neighbor had a green '81 hatch. I had an '82 sedan--different body, though.
David S. Wallens wrote:
jwdmotorsports wrote:
Is it a hatchback or a sedan?
I had an '81 sedan as my first car. If it's the teal green color like mine was I'll buy it from you.
My neighbor had a green '81 hatch. I had an '82 sedan--different body, though.
I'm a fan of the round headlights on the 1st gen accord.
I learned to drive on a '79 hatchback. Good car, until the combination of teenage driver (me) and incompetent mechanics killed it. Amazing how many Louisiana wrench-monkeys would insist it was a Civic because of the CVCC badge.
New Reader
4/13/09 12:04 p.m.
4cylndrfury wrote:
I KNOW! I'm waiting for my uncle to send them. He's old...
4/13/09 12:44 p.m.
This Accord was the car that took Honda mainstream. previous to this they were just small little funny cars from a Motorcycle company. I think you will find it to be a great car if it does not give you carb and vacum line issues.
This is not exactly the "sport it up" version. That reputation came to honda with the intro of the '84 Civics and CRXs.