8/28/14 10:03 a.m.
The answer is, take it in to someone who knows what they're doing; trying to diagnose over the internet is silly, but I'll ask anyways:
Miata Clutch issues: When I start the car, when I push the clutch pedal to the floor, 8/10 times it will have a pretty good whine/squeal. If it doesn’t whine, then 9/10 times it does when I put it in gear. So an 80% chance that I get a whine when I start the car and put the clutch in, and a 98% chance that it will whine by the time I have it in reverse or first.
Once I start driving moving—once it starts to catch, it goes away.
It still happens regularly even when warm, but much, much less than when cold. Sometimes I can sit at a light with the car in gear, clutch to the floor, and I’ll have no sound for 5-30 seconds, then it starts to whine again. Put it in neutral and let the clutch out and sound goes away.
Often at a stop light, I can put the clutch in almost all the way to the floor and put it in gear, no whine. But if I put it all the way to the floor, chances of the squeal/whine are much greater.
Second issue, the stereo cuts out all sound somewhat regularly. 5 seconds of music, 2 seconds of silence, 8 seconds of music, 3 seconds of silence… Sometimes I can go an hour without it cutting out at all. Also, under acceleration on the highway, the alternator light will come on, maybe 1 to 3 times in a 45 mile trip. My thoughts are that there is a loose ground somewhere that will hopefully fix both, but the stereo issue may be unrelated. Any thoughts?
My intermittant wipers work, but not all the time.
How can I fix it?
I have a car whose engine is about to let go. How can I sell it ethically and still get decent coin?
What is the difference between a ballcock and a limbercock?
nderwater wrote:
I have a car whose engine is about to let go. How can I sell it ethically and still get decent coin?
80w90 in engine, trade in.
What is the most ridiculous thing someone has dragged back in expecting you guys to comp a repair on?
8/28/14 10:25 a.m.
mtn wrote:
The answer is, take it in to someone who knows what they're doing; trying to diagnose over the internet is silly, but I'll ask anyways:
Miata Clutch issues: When I start the car, when I push the clutch pedal to the floor, 8/10 times it will have a pretty good whine/squeal. If it doesn’t whine, then 9/10 times it does when I put it in gear. So an 80% chance that I get a whine when I start the car and put the clutch in, and a 98% chance that it will whine by the time I have it in reverse or first.
Once I start driving moving—once it starts to catch, it goes away.
It still happens regularly even when warm, but much, much less than when cold. Sometimes I can sit at a light with the car in gear, clutch to the floor, and I’ll have no sound for 5-30 seconds, then it starts to whine again. Put it in neutral and let the clutch out and sound goes away.
Often at a stop light, I can put the clutch in almost all the way to the floor and put it in gear, no whine. But if I put it all the way to the floor, chances of the squeal/whine are much greater.
Second issue, the stereo cuts out all sound somewhat regularly. 5 seconds of music, 2 seconds of silence, 8 seconds of music, 3 seconds of silence… Sometimes I can go an hour without it cutting out at all. Also, under acceleration on the highway, the alternator light will come on, maybe 1 to 3 times in a 45 mile trip. My thoughts are that there is a loose ground somewhere that will hopefully fix both, but the stereo issue may be unrelated. Any thoughts?
without hearing it my two first thoughts for the transmission noise are throwout/release bearing or an bearing in the transmission
for the radio/alt issues i would also think ground but if they are separate issues i'd guess radio itself is going bad and the alt light could be a belt slipping, a weak battery or the alternator starting to go bad. i'd suggest a battery and charging system test
8/28/14 10:30 a.m.
Tyler H wrote:
What is the most ridiculous thing someone has dragged back in expecting you guys to comp a repair on?
we actually just had one yesterday where the customer's wife had brought their subaru in several times with a running issue that was tough to replicate. she described it as a bogging. one of the oxygen sensors was acting strange so we replaced it, this was about 3 months ago.
brought the car in yesterday to have the brakes checked. rf caliper was stuck bad and all the brakes were wiped out.
customer tried to tell us the issue it had all along was in the brakes, clearly it was not
aside from that we dont get a lot of "comebacks"
8/28/14 10:32 a.m.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
My intermittant wipers work, but not all the time.
How can I fix it?
if you're referring to the vehicle in your avatar then i don't believe you that they work at all
why does my yota rav4 ping... 4cylinder 2008 2wd 80K miles. Done it since the beginning... 89 octane helps.....
solfly wrote:
Fueled by Caffeine wrote:
why does my yota rav4 ping... 4cylinder 2008 2wd 80K miles. Done it since the beginning... 89 octane helps.....
done it since brand new?
yes. official answer from toyota is.. If it's light and just off idle.. We're at the optimum position for fuel consumption. It goes away with throttle.
8/28/14 10:48 a.m.
interesting. i dont see any TSBs on it or much info at all. i'd suspect they have seen it frequently from other ravs?
How many people come in to get a diagnostic done, then take the car back to fix the issues themselves?
I've been known to do this, and the service department is always shocked when it happens. One guy went as far to advise me that I'd be better off letting them do it since it was a hard job (it was a sensor under the intake manifold).
Brett_Murphy wrote:
How many people come in to get a diagnostic done, then take the car back to fix the issues themselves?
I've been known to do this, and the service department is always shocked when it happens. One guy went as far to advise me that I'd be better off letting them do it since it was a hard job (it was a sensor under the intake manifold).
Sounds like the Maxima knock sensor. It can be done in less than 30 mminutes with small hands and a couple of flex joints. I bet Snap On has the exact rig you need. Dealer says the intake has to come off and it is a few hours.
What is your favorite tool?
(Besides Bob Costas that is)
8/28/14 11:52 a.m.
Brett_Murphy wrote:
How many people come in to get a diagnostic done, then take the car back to fix the issues themselves?
I've been known to do this, and the service department is always shocked when it happens. One guy went as far to advise me that I'd be better off letting them do it since it was a hard job (it was a sensor under the intake manifold).
we don't get much of that
8/28/14 12:08 p.m.
aircooled wrote:
What is your favorite tool?
(Besides Bob Costas that is)
as a service manager my most important and favorite tools are, in no particular order:
my customer service skills
my automotive knowledge
"my" technicians
8/28/14 12:09 p.m.
Wally wrote:
At what point did you regret saying "ask me a question?"
haven't gotten there yet. the joke questions are entertaining and the serious ones let me talk about my jab to new people
At what point did you regret starting this thread?
That's odd, I tried to edit my post and is gone.
When you take a car in for repair, What happens to the all the bolts, screws, and nuts that dont get put back on the car???
Why is yawning contagious?
In reply to solfly:
Sooooo, what are you wearing?