No, not of the cow dookie variety.
About a month ago Blipshift showed an interest in a design I sent them. They helped me work the design into something they can use, and I heard yesterday it will go on sale next Tuesday the 12th.
I can’t share the design until then unfortunately, secret squirrel mode is in effect. But I will as soon as I can.
This is a first for me, so it’s pretty exciting!
Awesome! Congrats!!!
I hate you, I've been rejected twice...

Seriously, way cool!
Looking forward to seeing it!
Very cool! Glad one of our own gets to send art in.
Excited to see the design.
Congratulations! I did send them one drawing which didn't go anywhere, myself. Probably wasn't their usual theme.
This wasn’t my first try by any means. But I haven’t kept track of the number of my submissions. If something I doodle makes me smile, I just send it.
My sense of humor can be a little off the wall I guess.
Just curious, did you literally send them a doodle or more of a finished product that could go straight on a shirt?
I’ll share the initial drawing I submitted here when I can for reference. But no, it was not something that was ready to go straight on a shirt. It was very much a concept sketch that showed my idea, but I didn’t spend a ton of time making sure it was 100% neat and tidy.
They said they liked the concept and asked if I would be willing to work with them to make the design work on a shirt.
The whole process was very positive. We bounced ideas back and forth, I would change the design and send them a couple options including our ideas. Honestly we reached the “that’s it!” moment at the same time. Then it was a matter of waiting for them to get it lined up in their queue.
I'm supposed to wait two more hours before I share this anywhere (I think), but I am sharing it here. Because here is awesome.
The shirt goes on sale tonight at midnight!
Final artwork:

It's based on a BMW dash, inspired by people who are passionate about their pixels 
It isn’t making fun of BMW owners, that’s not the intent at all.
It’s more of a reflection of the effort people put into their “old” cars to keep them working properly.
The radio in my old Saab has the same pixel problem.
Paranoid_android pursuing the perfected pixel picture.
I'm proud it was one-of-us!
Ian F
6/12/18 8:43 a.m.
That's awesome. Love it.
Do they buy the artwork from you or do you get a percentage of each shirt sold?
So you're a stand-up philosopher?
In reply to Ian F :
Thank you!
They give you two options. The first is they use the idea and finish the design work, that gets you $100 in store credit. The second is you do the design work, and you get $1 per shirt that sells.
In reply to paranoid_android :
Very clever design! You found a new career!
paranoid_android said:
It isn’t making fun of BMW owners, that’s not the intent at all.
It’s more of a reflection of the effort people put into their “old” cars to keep them working properly.
The radio in my old Saab has the same pixel problem.
That's how I took it. Chasing the minute details (usually) only car guys do...
Very clever. Nice job. I got it right away.
I'd order that in a heartbeat if I still had my E36.
In reply to Ovid_and_Flem :
I wish I could make a career of it!
Is it live to purchase? I didn't see a linky...
It's right on the front page at the moment.
I would pick one up, but my E39 has perfect pixels and I don't want to give it a bad example. Love the idea though.