Thanks everybody for your help to make this happen. Press Release
I'm sure our close friends from GRM already miss me. I promise we'll come hang out at your SEMA booth and tell everybody about Uranus. I'll bring some clown noses and animal balloons.
If you want I'll hold a juggling clinic in front of the GRM booth.
Can't wait to see you guys... 
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
Including patio projects.
That's fine work brother. There are few things more satisfying than nailing the idea, execution and reception of a well crafted joke. Heck, even two out of three is pretty satisfying most of the time. Looks like you hit on the trifecta with this one.
10/6/10 6:12 p.m.
Good job on that one! And congrats!
Tom Heath wrote:
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
Including patio projects.
Except Herpes. That e36 m3 come back with you.
Flipp'n Awesome Guys!! Enjoy the trip!!!