Now for the story of how I got to this point.
Borrowed a bigger, better torque wrench that allowed me to get to 150lbs. Had to sit on the floor and push with my feet, but got it done. Finished bolting up the cross bar which brings us to this:

Get used to being on a ladder, felt like a 100 trips up and down before the project was done. This little guy was a big help. Got it in one of the GRM Christmas exchange games.

The directions that come with the lift suck. Many things are poorly explained or left out entirely. The cross beam is suppossed to be fitted a certian way, mine is backwards. It's not marked, no mention in the directions. It still works, but my hoses aren't routed quite the same and look sloppy. I'll neaten this up later. There are guides for them that are in a picture several steps after you need to put them in. Again, left/right specfic but no mention of that anywhere. Yes I put them on wrong and had to move them.
Inside the crossbeam are rings to route the hose through. Good idea, keeps it away from the cables right? There was a sharp peice of weld slag in one so big the hose wouldn't pass though.
Lucky it was that big, otherwise I would have missed it and certianly had a leak in my future.
Finally got the shut off bar on, cables and hoses run. The pulleys are already mounted, but are not greased. No mention in the instructions. Took them apart and greased them. Would have been easier on the ground! Just like alot of the other things that could have been done on the floor...)
The safety locks get one bad picture in the instructions, good luck! 

The arms were easy, lube up before inserting of course...

Now for wiring. I ran a 220v 10 gauge wire over to the area previously, just had to make a plug and wire into the contactor. The instructions were of little help and the contactor housing had a different diagram. Made this plug, I'm sure an electrian is shaking his head right now...

Bleed the system, adjust the cables, and its done!

I'll admit my nervousness at this point, but all went well. I can't have the garage door open all the way with a car on, and have to be careful about height with taller bodies, but my Firebird goes all the way up to the lifts max.

The neighors are already asking about my hourly rate