Michigan seems easy. Pretty much like Ohio.
The Ohio inspection (and it seems the Michigan inspection too) very much accentuates the point that "this is not a safety inspection." They are not inspecting the quality of your welding skill, etc. They are further not ensuring that the car does not drive "dog leg" sideways down the road. In Ohio, it is legal to drive a car on the road with a dented fender, ergo, you can get a car through the inspection process with still a dented fender. Further, a "dent" is allowed but jagged metal that could injure a passing pedestrian would not be allowed.
In Ohio it is illegal to drive a car with a missing tail lamp housing, ergo, this inspection would require a tail lamp to be present but strangely, the inspection would not be failed if a bulb is not working in this tail lamp housing (but it would require that there is a proper place for a bulb to be inserted.)
All that Ohio seems to care about (and it seems Michigan too) is that you can prove that the parts used were not stolen!
According to this Michigan Document (focused on section 5-7)
It seems that you need is this TR-13a form: https://www.michigan.gov/sos/-/media/Project/Websites/sos/01armbrustmacher/tr13a.pdf
Along with $100 the form is then reviewed by State Police. The way I read it you certify that the repairs were done in "workman like conditions." What I learned in Ohio was that if the car looked like anything else you might see driving on the road (some dents and bruises) then it was best to take the car to inspection doing no repairs and replacing fewest parts possible. The more parts you replace, the more proof you need.
Detailed here is a salvage Pontiac Vibe I bought....
I bought it like this:

I added a used tail lamp (considered a minor part so no receipt needed) but it went through inspection dented and scraped.

It wasn't until after it was legal and titled as a Rebuilt Salvage that I actually improved it with a replacement hatch, bumper cover and some minor paid bodywork:

You haven't shown full pictures of your Ford's damage but I suspect it is akin to this Pontiac Vibe's damage.