Yesterday I went to the pick and pull, in new ringgold, pa. Its in the middle of no where, but they have the best prices and selection. The 4 cars below were 90% intact, only missing catalytic converters really. I swear I almost died in that heat, so even though the pick and pull is dead on hot days, I still should resist the urge, and stay home.

That Volvo would be an awesome car.
I'll admit that I'm frequently not stoked about getting under a car at a junkyard when it's sitting on a couple of stacked wheels, but those giant concrete blocks seem like they'd be seriously In The Way for much of anything under the car...
what you don't see is the machines constantly driving around moving cars around. if you need an engine, you get it mostly free, attach a seat belt to it, then flag down one of the machines, they pluck it out for you and drive it up the hill 1/2 a mile to the exit.
Depending on what you need, they'll be happy to move a car around for you. Yes, sometimes they are higher then you need though, but it is better then the stacked wheels, more stable, etc.
my local place puts all the cars up on railroad ties. two across the bottom, and two perpendicular to those, so the cars are pretty much fully accessible from below, arent too high, maybe around 18", and are level. they dont give you help pulling anything though as far as i know.
I'm far more interested in the Forester in the background. I may have to stop in there. 
Funny thing...every time I go to that yard there is another worthless, rusted, off-the-road-for-20-years TR7 that shows up. I think the last time I actually said out loud, "Really? They haven't all gone through here yet?"
i want the electric PS pump from that xt6 lol...
the local JY's put them on wheels that are welded together... one flat and another one sitting upright welded to the flat one... I shake the car around pretty good before I'll get under... they always seem pretty stable
I have been to that yard.. it's impressivly big
digdug18 wrote:
I spy a hardtop MKIII Supra :D
turboHLS30 wrote:
digdug18 wrote:
I spy a hardtop MKIII Supra :D
You want one? I have one that I could let go for cheap!!! lol.
Gotta get the Z done first, then maybe.
Been thinking about heading out there to get a passenger door and front bumper for my camaro, the paint is shot on the ones I have. See any black fourth gen camaros?
digdug18 wrote:
Too bad it is a 1600 and not a 2000. They do have a sweet digital dash though.

I'm sure there are camaro's there although I don't go in that side of the yard. The import car side is much more picked over, I'm sure whatever your looking for is there for the domestic cars/trucks.
6/10/11 4:31 p.m.
That place looks like heaven!
6/11/11 4:32 p.m.
They've got a few cars and trucks:

Ian F
6/11/11 4:37 p.m.
Damn... next time you head over there, let me know. Not that I really need any more random car parts right now...
They were doing a model shoot at the one here this morning. I could have driven out with half the inventory without the kids working there noticing.
Wow.. in canada we sure keep our yards tidy and orderly.
In reply to CanadianTercel:
What yards have you been going to?
Eureka! That place is closer than Harry's! I never knew it existed. Looks a little, uh, disorderly, though. At Harry's all the cars are separated by manufacturer and are in tidy lines, all propped up for you. And not on concrete highway blocks.
They're in somewhat tidy lines. They are separated vaguely by rows, imports on one side and domestics on the other. They do need better signage. They have the best selection of vintage vw bugs I've seen, all along the back fence of the place. I wanna say its $3 to get in. I usually get little stuff, this time it was door rubber from a 85 civic wagon, and some interior parts from the same wagon, push button 4wd switch, underseat tray, etc. I went to pay and the guy says he's not going to charge me for the little I had. So I gave him $1.
Ian, I usually go there at random times, this last time was the hottest day of the week, and I should have thought it out a little better. But I'll let you know next time I'm going to run up. Or if you have a day off mid week, let me know and we can take a trip up.
They have 1 paramount rule, NO BACKPACKS of any kind. I have a hydration bladder with me, that I had to leave in the car on the hottest day of the year so far. I nearly passed out walking a mile down the hill and back in the scorching sun. Yeah, I'm waay outta shape, but still. Tool bags and tool boxes seem fine, they have wagons, like you'd use at a garden center for rent for $5 for the day.
CASH ONLY BTW, though most pick and pull places are like that.
I put together a meet there a year or so ago with team-integra and honda-tech, to pull parts in the fall. I wanna say there were 40 of us or so. If some of you guys want to meet up for a day at the pick and pull let me know, I'm game.
Twin Cam- if you need saturn parts, you should check out the all saturn junk yard in easton, they have quite the selection.
digdug18 wrote:
Twin Cam- if you need saturn parts, you should check out the all saturn junk yard in easton, they have quite the selection.
Oh? I didn't know of such a place. There's a Saturn-only repair shop that has a bunch of junked ones in Manheim, which is about a 45 minute drive from me, but the prices are out of control. I'll have to look that up sometime.