Kinda fascinating how with some cars you see them well, and with others, you can't.
I don't know what it is about the Miata gas gauge, but I hardly ever manage to see it, and far more times than I care to consider, I've finally noticed it, and noticed it's down way below empty.
It's the only vehicle I own that I do this on. Everything else, I observe the gas gauge and note it and get gas when I need it. With this Miata, it's like it's invisible to me. I've gone into the station on fumes more times than I care to consider.
Just interesting.
Not planning on putting a gas gauge in the datsun.
I assume you'll have a reserve?

That's too high tech. I was thinking of a jerry can as the reserve.
I just spy all of my gauges when starting and before I put it into gear. That way I can see if anything is out of place before getting too far from anywhere.
In the Miata, I could use a reserve switch. Since that isn't a very viable option, I really am considering tossing one of those sealed cans of reserve gas. Regular cans leak, but there's something in a sealed gallon can for something like $8. I might toss one in the trunk.
I don't know what it is about the Miata gas gauge, but I hardly ever see it or think to make myself look at it.
Driving around town, I see all of my gauges.
Whats amazing is how far into the red you can bury a temp gauge on track before noticing.
New Reader
6/5/12 6:50 p.m.
It's weird how some cars don't have certain gauges. My moms Fit doesn't have a temp gauge. That's one of the most important gauges in my opinion. And before anybody goes off about new cars, My 77 Oldsmobile doesn't have a temp gauge either.
How long until they remove the gas gauge? Seriously, just have a light or miles to empty on the display.
frenchy wrote:
How long until they remove the gas gauge? Seriously, just have a light or miles to empty on the display.

Most 50's-early 60's euro economy cars just had a fuel low warning light. Nothing would be new there.
My father's Versa only has a light that comes on while the car is warming up. Makes me laugh every time. The Versa thinks I care if the engine is cold or not. HAH!
They can take all the gauges away as far as I'm concerned. Modern ones are useless things anyway, since they are only there to make you content. Shine a bright red light in my eyes when you want me to stop.