this does really well off-road 97 Nissan 4 cylinder 5-speed with tire chains it's not a crew cab but it is an extended cab and it's awful on the road
this does really well off-road 97 Nissan 4 cylinder 5-speed with tire chains it's not a crew cab but it is an extended cab and it's awful on the road
"Is a crew cab pickup your dream off-road vehicle?" No, not even close.
Does that matter even a little bit? Nobody at GM gives a tinker's damn what my dream anything is. They are busy selling these things hand over fist to the kind of people who dream of owning an enormous $72,000 truck with TRAIL BOSS on the side and a two-story pimp-turned-Stormtrooper grille, and, credit rating permitting, will happily buy one.
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