Peter Griffin doesn't think so..
this was on last night's brand new Family Guy episode, and i immediately thought of this forum when i saw it.. i see no one else posted it, so here ya go..
2/14/11 4:15 a.m.
My guess is that Peter Griffin would not fit in a Miata
jrw1621 wrote:
My guess is that Peter Griffin would not fit in a Miata
Actually, all the seasons combined will fit in a Miata. That, plus a stick of gum.
2/14/11 7:10 a.m.
I saw that last night too. I thought it was pretty funny.
It's not a legitimate sports car.
(Let's keep everyone believing that so the prices stay low OK?)
That made me laugh a bit myself.
video has already been pulled from youtube
A lot of the generall public view it as a secretary's car--just like the current VW Beetle.
Peter Griffin says a lot of things that are intended to make him look stupid. If you find yourself agreeing with him, you should be worried.
Wait, so when he said that women were objects put on earth for men's pleasure, he wasn't speaking the truth?? Dang!! I need to go apologize to my wife.
It seems like 2.5 Men had an episode where they kept referring to a Boxster as a girl car. I don't agree with that either, but it does kind of reveal how a car is viewed by the average Joe.
Otto Maddox wrote:
It seems like 2.5 Men had an episode where they kept referring to a Boxster as a girl car.
There is no referring about it, I'd rather drive a Miata before a Boxster.
New Reader
2/14/11 5:11 p.m.
Isn't the question: is a Miata the only legitimate sports car
there are a lot of owners of LBCs and Italian cars who would like to have a talk with you down this dark alley, imirk
New Reader
2/14/11 5:48 p.m.
LBCs and Italian cars: obsolete since 1989? I kid, I kid!
imirk wrote:
Isn't the question: is a Miata the only legitimate sports car
park yours next to mine and we'll take a poll of passers-by... 

That's just playing dirty.
(I love your GT6, by the way.)
Boxter is a girl's car.
Seriously, who pays that much for an MR2 just because it has Poor-shuh badges on it?

being considered a "girls car" would not stop me from owning and driving one.. and having a great time doing it
forzav12 wrote:
imirk wrote:
Isn't the question: is a Miata the only legitimate starter sports car
Yeah, it is a good Starter sports car... As in, it always Starts unlike the lbc's....

Hey, I own a LBC, and have owned more than a few, and they ALWAYS started. Some were morning "people" and some were "night" people, but they always started. 

I've found that replacing the points with electronics makes any LBC an instant starter. Just as with any American car with points.
mad_machine wrote:
being considered a "girls car" would not stop me from owning and driving one.. and having a great time doing it
Girls do tend to love "girl's cars," if you're into that sort of thing.