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Armitage Reader
12/30/12 6:10 p.m.

I like to go out to various parking lots every time it snows but I never stay in one place for very long. I've been run out by mall security and chased by snowplows but never run into trouble from a real cop (knocks on wood). One snowplow driver was cool though; he said, "looks like you're having fun, I'll come back to this lot later."

mndsm PowerDork
12/30/12 6:35 p.m.

Thats the real trick, have a positive relationship with whoever works on the property. The last time I got caught cycloning my DSM, the mall cop actually came to my store and let me know he had it on tape. Fortunately that tape was never to be seen.

patgizz GRM+ Memberand UberDork
12/30/12 6:36 p.m.

FYI you haven't REALLY hooned until you've done parking lot snow donuts and drifting in a dually with a utility bed.

if you ever saw it your head would explode from the awesome.

kazoospec HalfDork
12/30/12 6:46 p.m.
patgizz wrote: FYI you haven't REALLY hooned until you've done parking lot snow donuts and drifting in a dually with a utility bed. if you ever saw it your head would explode from the awesome.

Actually, FWD, steering wheel locked over to one side, reverse donuts are pretty fun too . . . or, so I've heard.

nicksta43 Dork
12/30/12 6:48 p.m.
patgizz wrote: FYI you haven't REALLY hooned until you've done parking lot snow donuts and drifting in a dually with a utility bed. if you ever saw it your head would explode from the awesome.

It wasn't in the snow but I have drifted one of these through a parking lot that was freshly sealed at a hotel in Chattanooga. I can tell you that these things are a blast to hoon around in on dirt and gravel roads. Much more responsive than they have any right to be.

jere Reader
12/30/12 7:57 p.m.
Lesley wrote: I once got broadsided in a parking lot by a silly woman in a mini van who turned around to yell at her kids. Because it was on private property, she wasn't charged. Cops said that the only way they could lay any charges, is if she had been drinking.

I have been hit by some girls backing out in a private lot of a bar.The lot had off duty cops paid as security guards (but still in uniform) there. They wouldn't do anything and said it was private property too. I called the department and told them the situation also and that girls were drinking, they sent out a squad car that also did nothing (no breathalyzer no backwards ABCs not even an ID check!). I think private property must mean a lot of paper work or something.

ValuePack Dork
12/30/12 8:53 p.m.

This, but single cab US market Fuso... sooo much fun when it snows.

Had a M2 for work for a few years. Most remarkably stable and predictable thing I ever drove in the snow, but a decent drifter up to 35mph or so.

nicksta43 Dork
12/30/12 9:05 p.m.

In reply to ValuePack:

LOOOOONG wheel base

Cole_Trickle HalfDork
12/30/12 11:26 p.m.

I was doing donuts in my truck when I was a teenanger and the cop pulled into my smoke cloud. Visibility was 0 and my friends were standing around so I stopped and got out in time to notice the blinking blue haze. The cop got out too and asked me what I was doing. I told him, and he surprised me by saying, "Next time use more gas and less clutch." We were all in shock. The officer stuck around for half an hour and talked trucks and four-wheeling with us. Really cool guy and I learned my lesson about scouting an area before hooning.

N Sperlo
N Sperlo UltimaDork
12/31/12 6:30 a.m.
Lesley wrote: I once got broadsided in a parking lot by a silly woman in a mini van who turned around to yell at her kids. Because it was on private property, she wasn't charged. Cops said that the only way they could lay any charges, is if she had been drinking.

Only I can write people up on my lit unless its a felony. The police will bout touch the property unless we call them. Come on over to my lot and hoon all you want.

That will be the way the police will usually souls look at it, but any dangerous driving (hooning included), I wouldn't be surprised to see the law show up and ruin your fun. Their main concern will be safety of others who may also come across the lot.

Have I known police to take the patrol car into a snowy lot and hoon a little? Yup. Thats why often you get a talking to and likely won't get a ticket. Also, it's easy to fight if they write you a minor ticket.

N Sperlo
N Sperlo UltimaDork
12/31/12 6:36 a.m.
egoman wrote: The police in winnipeg have a few hot spots for catching speeders. One of them is after an underpass where it is very hard not to speed up. Fortunately it is right next to my union hall where I work. I pull in every morning and turn on my high beams and start cutting donuts right in front of them. When I am done I park my truck with the high beams on and shut everything down with the lights aimed at the police car. Right about the time they think I am done I use my command start and the high beams shine directly in to their side windows. Sorry I dont like wolf packing or speed trap areas, and no I have never been caught here, but many have and they are not hazards to society.


You are welcome to your opinion, but entrapment is a serious crime. I drove through many speed traps on the way home (although they give you 15+ mph in some), and as annoying add they are, you have to commit the crime before they can pull you over. Not entrapment. I don't usually get stingy over language, but I'm going to pick on you because i don't like the word, "entrapment."

Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
12/31/12 7:08 a.m.
N Sperlo wrote:
egoman wrote: The police in winnipeg have a few hot spots for catching speeders. One of them is after an underpass where it is very hard not to speed up. Fortunately it is right next to my union hall where I work. I pull in every morning and turn on my high beams and start cutting donuts right in front of them. When I am done I park my truck with the high beams on and shut everything down with the lights aimed at the police car. Right about the time they think I am done I use my command start and the high beams shine directly in to their side windows. Sorry I dont like wolf packing or speed trap areas, and no I have never been caught here, but many have and they are not hazards to society.
FTFY You are welcome to your opinion, but entrapment is a serious crime. I drove through many speed traps on the way home (although they give you 15+ mph in some), and as annoying add they are, you have to commit the crime before they can pull you over. Not entrapment. I don't usually get stingy over language, but I'm going to pick on you because i don't like the word, "entrapment."

As an add, I have "heard" that a box of roofing nails liberally spread in their favorite parking spots will encourage them to write tickets elsewhere. No personal experience of course, just what I have "heard". Someone must have gotten tired of the blue lights flashing in the windows at 11:00pm. Not sure who that could have been.

N Sperlo
N Sperlo UltimaDork
12/31/12 7:13 a.m.

In reply to Toyman01:

LMAO! Not even touching that one. coughlookforcamerascough

Toyman01 GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
12/31/12 7:19 a.m.

In reply to N Sperlo:

That was a loooong time ago. Cameras hadn't even been invented yet. The person I "heard" that from was much younger and dumber too.

N Sperlo
N Sperlo UltimaDork
12/31/12 7:34 a.m.

In reply to Toyman01:

Head it from a friend who heard it from a friends who heard it from a friend who...

daytonaer HalfDork
12/31/12 8:19 a.m.

Polite, calm and courteous. The perfect professional and safe interaction possible with law enforcement.

His response; someone called in, I have to give you a ticket.

White_and_Nerdy HalfDork
12/31/12 8:44 a.m.

I've actually used the "I'm practicing my skills" reason, and it worked. He said he had no problem with what I was doing, but I couldn't do it there. I told him I'd leave and promptly did so. In truth, I really WAS practicing - it was my first car, and the first snowstorm since I'd had it. I didn't even know how to do donuts then - that Pontiac 6000 had hopeless understeer, and I hadn't yet learned the power of the parking brake, so it wasn't so much fun. Maybe that's why the cop understood I wasn't just being a careless idiot.

These days, if I was to play a little, I wouldn't stay in the same place very long. Industrial areas are full of parking lots, and it's no big deal to go into one, bomb around for a few minutes, then leave for another one nearby. A moving target is more difficult to hit. Or so I've heard.

N Sperlo
N Sperlo UltimaDork
12/31/12 8:48 a.m.

In reply to daytonaer:

Looks like my handwriting. Yea, thats bound to happen when its in regard to a complaint. They need to prove they've done something.

DukeOfUndersteer UltimaDork
12/31/12 9:01 a.m.

Fit_is_slo and I got busted for racing in the parking lot (was empty) of a movie theater years ago. I was in a Ford Escort ZX2 and he was in his Pontiac Sunbird. We set our course up to go around the lamp posts and got about 3 laps in when an plain clothes Cop ran out and flashed his badge and told us to knock it off.

andrave Dork
12/31/12 9:04 a.m.

The easiest way to determine what police could do in your state is spend 5 mins on the internet reading your state statute. some states only include public roads, and some include private property. Iirc, new jersey includes private property, because at a drift event at englishtown 10 years ago or so a cop showed up and threatened to write the drivers tickets for driving with hands/feet out the window (reckless driving, he said). I looked up the statute and was flabbergasted that it appeared to include private land, with no exemptions for race tracks and the like.

But, of course, you can get charged with criminal trespass or reckless endangerment if there are other people around. And the definition of public would be up for debate, as its unlikely there is any published case law on reckless driving since those are rarely pursued at the appellate level...

okayh New Reader
12/31/12 9:09 a.m.

Not in the snow but till parking lot hoonage...

My first street bike, I tried to learn wheelies and endos since it seemed like a good thing to know, along with not riding with gear and such. Went to a parking lot on my college campus and was practicing for a while. Mid wheelie, 3 cop cars pull into the parking lot and circle me. They ask me what I am doing (umm...wheelies...), am I student (yup), and why my plate wasn't visible (tucked under the seat, dirty, and just lost a bolt so it was swinging). They ran my stuff and told me to leave and go study. w00t!

Another time I went to a Target parking lot post rain to legitimately practice threshold braking on the bike. Lifted the rear wheel a few times and skidded the rear wheel when trying to modulate the rear brake some. Cop rolled up, I told him what I was doing, and he said don't crash and dipped. w00t again!

Mmadness New Reader
12/31/12 9:29 a.m.

Yeah, I told the cop that I was practicing my driving skills and while he didn't tell me to stop, he asked me if I was finished in a very suggestive tone. You could tell that he was definately not amused. I made the mistake of doing it on the parking lot for a reck field (public property). Next time I think I'll go to either a private high school or a church parking lot.

wbjones UberDork
12/31/12 9:44 a.m.
N Sperlo wrote: In reply to daytonaer: Looks like my handwriting. Yea, thats bound to happen when its in regard to a complaint. They need to prove they've done something.

thing is they don't HAVE to issue a pts ticket even in response to a complaint ... warning tickets are an option ... and the best way for that to happen IS the polite, calm and courteous route .... that said ... it won't always work ... we all have to realize that if we're breaking the law there's always the possibility that things won't end up the way we might have wanted them to

N Sperlo
N Sperlo UltimaDork
12/31/12 9:46 a.m.

In reply to Mmadness:

Make sure school is not is session.

N Sperlo
N Sperlo UltimaDork
12/31/12 9:51 a.m.

In reply to wbjones:

If I'm the lieutenant and I say "write the ticket," I'm pretty sure its not up too the officer. You never know the full circumstances. With that on the back-burner, in pretty sure we agree for the most part.

Where I work, I'm in charge off my area, and basically tell my lieutenant what is going on and what's going too happen. He doesn't interject often, but when he says he's coming over to search a guy, by all means, I just nod my head and say OK. Similar, but different.

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