The Cliff Notes of the situation - Last year I had a Civic caged for Chumpcar.
In the first race the car was wrecked. Bad.
I was ready to walk away from it and send it to the scrap yard. One of the guys on the team suggested talking to the cage builder (CB), who has a frame table, to see if it could be fixed. I asked specifically if he thought it was a job he wanted to do. I took some pictures and CB said it should be an easy fix. He said he could cut the front off the wrecked car, cut the front off a donor and put them together. He's done it several times.
Seemed like a good enough idea.
I took the car up along with a rusty coupe for a donor. This was the first of October 2014. I asked if he thought it could be done by January. That would give a few months to get the car back together for a race we wanted to do in April. "No problem"
Christmas came and the car hadn't been touched. I went up for a couple days over the holiday and following his instructions cut the front off the wrecked car to help the project along. CB promised the car by Feb/March
I had a lot of worries that CB would have the car done so I started looking for another car. We bought an Integra and used that to race in 2015.
I started a new job in March that requires moving out of state (still working on that) and I would check in every so often on the car. Every update was the same. Promises of it being done soon but the car wasnt being touched. Sometime in the Spring both cars were pushed outside and have been sitting gathering dust. My wife and I pulled the seat and other stuff for the new Chumpcar so at least nothing is getting damaged sitting in the weather.
During the last update, CB basically said he couldn't get to it and if I wanted to pick it up I didn't owe him anything. I translated that to "Come get the cars".
I want to pull the rear suspension to use as spares for the Integra, cut the cage out and use the pipe for projects/welding practice, while scrapping all the rest. My wife is rather insistent that we try and sell it and is willing to do all the work. I honestly don't know if anybody would buy any of it in its current condition. I don't think another shop would touch it with a ten foot pole and I wouldn't want to put any more money in it.
I've moved on because I have the Integra and I just bought an E36 from this forum to build for the next car.
So I ask the masses. Is this even worth trying to sell?