In the next few months I will be replacing both my boring DD (2000 buick lesabre) and my recently departed fun car - 1995 Miata R.I.P.
My thought was to go back to the two car system. One for my commute (130 miles a day) and kid schlepping duties, and a second one for autocross/track/fun.
My wife said maybe I should look into what one car my combined budget (say 25-30k) could get and go with one nicer car since I spend 2 hours a day in it. So what does everyone think? stick with my original two car plan? get one nice car? My main problem with the 1 car is I really can't think of anything that would be fun, not horrid gas mileage, and able to fit my 10 and 13 year old in the back seat. Is there anything out there that meets my requirements?
In reply to icaneat50eggs:
The new Mazda 6 is pretty nice. Even the 3 might be enough, though a bit smaller. With the 2.5/6-speed combo they are pretty slick to drive.
Id stick with 2 cars. Your looking at a large midsize to fullsize for daily use. Another small car for fun. Ive always kept mine seperate but part of that is not wanting my wagon out in snow.
I vote for a two car system.
I think if you go one car you will actually do less track/autox.
If just one car, you are likely to be conservative on the track so that you have a way to get to work in the morning.
If you budget $5k for another Miata or similar, that leaves $20k for a great commuter.
the mazda 3 is way high on my two car list for the DD portion. I have a hatred of FWD for the 'fun' car that maybe I need to get over that. I'm also considering the chevy sonic, if the back seat is big enough. That plus the trifecta tune looks interesting and cheap.
Two better than one? Depends. Is Amy involved?
Won't the $25-$30K range get you in to a new FoST? I have a '12 SE and a Miata, and the regular old Focus will transport bodies of any size pretty well. Having said that, I don't have much of a need to transport anybody anymore, my kids being 20 and 21.
I'm pretty happy with the SE's handling with just upgraded factory dampers ("handling pack") and springs/rear sway bar, but know the ST's are a good piece better. I don't know the mpg of the ST's though; pretty darned good in my SE though.
However, Miata...
Kind of depends on how much time you actually spend in the "fun" car. I know when the kids were younger (i.e. the age of yours), wasn't usually a lot of time for the "fun" car.
I think I'd probably opt for the one fun at this point, and pick up another Miata in a few years. At which point, NDs might be wandering down in to your "fun car" price range.
12/21/15 12:36 p.m.
I'd definitely stick with 2 cars. You are looking at 30,000-35,000 miles a year on the daily and that ish uses cars up. Keep getting comfortable, reliable, practical commodity cars that you can use up and discard, and keep a purpose-built toy for the fun stuff.
12/21/15 1:08 p.m.
I've done both. Two cars is way better for reasons cited earlier. I like it when I can just leave the toy in the garage and fix it later. This may not work so well if you have limited parking space.
Like icaneat50eggs, I was leaning toward the Mazda3 for the daily, but got a Focus SE with a 5 speed manual because it was way cheaper.
The Corolla FX16 is my toy.
If your budget is 30k I don't know why you would limit yourself to two cars.
gearheadmb wrote:
If your budget is 30k I don't know why you would limit yourself to two cars.
This. A fleet of EK Civics with better seats (or other small, reliable, efficient disposable cars) to use as commuters, and a few cool cars for entertainment use.
I agree with the majority. 2 > 1 because the fun car doesn't have to be the least bit practical...
12/21/15 7:33 p.m.
2 cars. Also think about if ones down for extended work or whatever you or your possible significant other have a backup car.
Better yet, just get two Miatas. If one is the answer, two must be able to answer all the questions right?
In reply to icaneat50eggs: For us enthusiasts, the only time two isn't better than one is when you're too broke to have two. Also, having two vehicles allows you to have the ideal dd (especially if you are willing/able to go hybrid/full electric), and the ideal auto-x/track/fun car. I personally think that your wife wants to reduce the hassle of having an extra car.
I also spend 2+ hours per day in the car doing commuting duties. Yes, you want a car that's a nice place to spend time. But it doesn't mean it can't be fun. Even carrying a couple of kids, I've got 3, so I understand the issue. In your range, the options are plenty. FiST, FoST, G37, E90 sedan, V6 Accord (can be had with 6spd in coupe version...and the back seat is huge), and many others. Sonic + Trifecta is an option if you want to do it on the cheap.
You could do one car, but if you're going to HPDE it, then just be sure you can afford to walk away if you wad it up.
I can't help, I'm at 4 cars now and just bought the death-kart to tinker with. All for less than your budget.
Buy moar cars!!!
I'm thinking 2 cars is probably the better option, too, based solely on the miles you drive. I'd suggest spending 15-20K on a CPO Toyota Prius, partially for the gas mileage, but mainly for their reputation for running forever with minimal problems. Then blow the rest on something fun.
Other question is do you have time for 2 cars? I've always had two cars or more...until recently. I'm at the point now that between my long commute, my busy job, and my insanely busy family life a "weekend toy" just wouldn't get used much at all. That's why I went with just one car that can serve family needs and be fun.
Not unless you like paying 2 insurance payments, 2 registration fees, and doubling up on maintenance and time spent wrenching.
Okay maybe it's not all that bad, but unless you're going for the regional trophies at the auto-x I don't really see a need to have a dedicated "fun" car. Especially considering how good newer cars are at multitasking.
25-30K gets you a very nice BMW
t25torx wrote:
Not unless you like paying 2 insurance payments, 2 registration fees, and doubling up on maintenance and time spent wrenching.
Okay maybe it's not all that bad, but unless you're going for the regional trophies at the auto-x I don't really see a need to have a dedicated "fun" car. Especially considering how good newer cars are at multitasking.
Depends on the cars. I seem to recall having two cars, with the "fun" car listed as an occasional use car can sometimes be cheaper on insurance than just having a fun car. As for wrenching time, that's a matter of picking a daily that should be reliable with low maintenance needs (hence my suggestion of a Prius).
Wait we are talking cars here yes?

Two might not even be enough. My DD got totaled, truck had electrical issues and the project was close but wasn't roadworthy yet. No 'family loaners' at the time either. Ended up w/ a rental till it all got sorted out.
Wrench time isn't really a problem with 2. Right now I have more money than time, and a good friend who will work super cheap and is way faster than me and has a full shop with lifts to use. I'm intrigued by the fost and fist options. I might see if they can get me over my hatred of fwd.