According to Roger’s Facebook page, he has left F40 Motorsport and taken a job at The Paddock.
When asked why he was leaving, the Admin said that there will be no comment on the subject.
I will miss seeing him on tv. In fact, I think he should have his own show. I would certainly watch it.
Obviously I know nothing what went on their, but I didn't feel like Wayne treated him right. Roger is in his 80s. I'm not sure why he still HAS to work. It's a good thing I don't have to.
I just looked and it said his Facebook page was unavailable?
In reply to stuart in mn :
They briefly changed the name of his page, but I think they changed it back.
Or try this:
Javelin (Forum Supporter) said:
Roger Barr. He's a mechanic who worked for Wayne Carini at F40 Motorsports, and appeared on many episodes of the TV show Chasing Classic Cars.
Funny story. I used to live a town over from f40 Motorsports in Connecticut. Drove past that place plenty of times when his show was starting. It always looked like a dump from the outside. Maybe it's changed.
I thought Roger had some pretty impressive racing history from the 70s, like SuperVee lap records and such.
So he pulled an Ed China?
In reply to XLR99 (Forum Supporter) :
You are correct: From this site. What Happened to Roger from 'Chasing Classic Cars'?
" Roger was a mechanic for the United States Air Force and honed a lot of his skills while stationed in Germany. He was such a talented driver that when he wasn't serving in the military for his country, he was driving for the Porsche factory sports car team as a backup motorist.
When he returned back to the states, he opened a garage in his hometown of Glastonbury, Connecticut, where he specialized in repairing foreign cars, although he famously had a sign hung up in his shop that read, "No French cars allowed." So not all foreign cars were welcome.
In that period, Roger would race cars on the weekend, winning National Championships in Formula B and Formula Vee competitions — the man not only knew how to work on cars but he could sure drive them too."
6/8/20 12:30 p.m.
I hope that I am able to work into my 80's, but I also hope that I don't have to.
In reply to Fueled by Caffeine :
I live about 200 yards away as the crow flies. It hasn't changed in appearance. They're all business - no fluff.
I love complaining about working into our 80's, if I can retire before I am 124 I will be happy!
On our snow trip in 2016? to Maine we stopped by there. Unfortunately it was late so we just took a selfie out front.
Is it really work if you're doing something you love?
New balances and a Canadian Tuxedo in one picture but on two different bodies. Def not a Corvette owner.
11110000 said:
In reply to Fueled by Caffeine :
I live about 200 yards away as the crow flies. It hasn't changed in appearance. They're all business - no fluff.
I remember when the building was home to the local Volvo dealership. Carini bought it 1993-ish and it became my own private cars-and-coffee on Sunday mornings when they were closed. Near as I can see from TV, it's still the same.
So, Roger did leave CCC's/F-40 Motorsports and is now at The Paddock Car Restorations in New Britain, Connecticut. He is ecstatic to work in such a great environment; everyone there is top quality and very nice to one another. His handle on Facebook has changed to RogerBarrMechanic, search it to see whats going on with him currently. Also, if you search "Roger's Corner on YouTube, you'll see 2 video's taken by the people at the Paddock. Roger, happy and expounding on various subjects. According to Mr. Donnelly(Roger's boss at the Paddock), more video's will be out soon, called "Ask Roger", where watchers/fans can email in, ask Roger questions, and he'll answer them the best he can. Watch this space, as I will update it periodically!
In reply to Aaron_King :
That video is kind of misleading. Roger was born on Staten Island, New York, in 1936. He raced with many teams during the 50's, to include a certain British team at Le Mans. He served in the Air Force because he was serving his country, because he's a patriot and wanted to serve his country, plus he held an Airframe and Powerplant license through the FAA. Stationed at Bitburg AB, Germany, he went many places on temporary duty assignments, including Libya, Korea, France, England.
The affore mentioned video was not put out by Roger Barr, his family, anyone he worked with, or basically anyone that knew him personally. It has numerous issues, saying he's a millionaire(definity not. He's getting ready to turn 85 and still working.), etc.... If you have questions about Roger, go to his Facebook page(RogerBarrMechanic) and ask them there, as I(his son) run the page, and his wife, Sally, is an editor there as well. He's an open book of knowledge(now, there's an idea!), and if he can remember the answer, he'll tell you anything you wnat to know..................................
This seems like a good spot to post this photo I took at Lime Rock in 1967. Roger Barr in a Crossle.

jamesbarr61 said:
In reply to Aaron_King : If you have questions about Roger, go to his Facebook page(RogerBarrMechanic) and ask them there, as I(his son) run the page, and his wife, Sally, is an editor there as well. He's an open book of knowledge(now, there's an idea!), and if he can remember the answer, he'll tell you anything you wnat to know.................................
Welcome ,
Can you have him dig out his photo books and post some old photos of Porsches in Germany back then ?
And when is his 85th birthday so we can send him a card :)
I feel annoyed when I read the title and content of this thread. It does not meet my need for clarity.
In reply to CyberEric :
Obviously, you're not a golfer.
By your response, I sense that you might have felt frustrated when you read my comment. I believe this might be because I mistakenly left out my request. I'm wondering if you would be willing to tell me if you're open to providing more context in your posts so that I might better understand what is being talked about?
Yeah Woody, Eric has a point. I had no idea that Roger Barr was affiliated with Wayne Carini at all until I read this post. I for one do not own a telly, and miss most pop culture references as a result.