The OBD-I S52 has fired to life!!!!!!!!!!!
We were having a no fuel issue yesterday, went out this morning with a fresh look and realized.........DOH!
Yup, there needs to be a fuse for the fuel pump so it can get power. Put the correct fuse in and it fired right up and settled into a nice, stready GROWLING idle.
Got a few more things to button up today and then I should be able to take it for a quick spin around the block this afternoon.
Sometimes a fresh look is all it takes. A decent nights sleep (or 2 or week
) is all it takes to fix the obvious.
Yeah, the last few weeks have been incredibly stressful. I've been trying to finish this swap along while looking for a house. I close on a house this coming Friday, so I'm hoping I'll be able to drive the E30 to closing!
Wait do you have a thread about this build on another board some place? I swear I was reading about this last night while surfing.
Yup, I've got a build thread on going at in the members ride section. Same screen name.
Now I'm just praying that the oil it's burning is because of a PCV/Vacuum issue.
If I have to yank the motor back out and swap it with the 'yard.
I may lose my mind.