sorry this a kinda long post......
ok, so for the last year, i have had a "guest" car in my back yard. it belongs to a friend who bought it to do HPODE's with me. long story short, the thing was a serious lemon. the PO had done all sorts of misguided shortcuts and swaps. some issues were obvious when he bought it..... some we didnt see until later.
the long and short of it is that he has lost interest in it, i think both from an HPDE in general point of view and doing an HPDE with this particular car. he has consistently failed to make time to come help fix the car, order the parts etc. i have been trying to keep the repair process up as i feel somewhat guilty for leading him into doing the HPDE thing in the first place, and not telling him to avoid this car strongly enough after i went with him to look at it. ( the PO called him an hour after we got back and lowered the price..... a lot). i also don't want my backyard to be a final resting spot for derelict cars.
i think i am a weekend away from getting it running, and i really dont care if he ever pays me back for the parts and labor i voluntarily added to the project to get it to that point. that was my decision and i made it on my own. however, if i give it back to him in running condition and he turns around and sells to to a scrap yard (a real possibility if he really has lost interest in the HPDE idea) i think i am going to be kinda pissed. it has no interior, radio, ac system or anything like that so it isnt marketable to a large crowd so that is why i think scrapping it (or watching it return to dust slowly) is a possiblity.
so here is the question, i already have a track car to use now and i have another track car in the works, so i dont need this one. but is anyone on the board interested in an 85 535i that has been stripped for their own automotive entertainment? i think i'd like to give him the option to sell it cheap to someone who will use it for its intended purpose and not just scrap it outright.
or, ......
is anyone in the atlanta area (with the space to store and work on this car) interested in forming up a lemons/ chumpcar team that i could donate this car to as my starting "equity" in the project?