Quick question, Does anyone elses wipers go really slow? My HI setting goes about as fast as what it should be on LOW. It is pointless to even put them on LOW.
I have owned the truck for 4 years and it has done this since I bought it. It hasn't really bothered me until lately.
Bad ground somewhere? My Trans Am used to do that. After replacing the wiper motor and finding out that there were a bunch of bad grounds all over the place, it worked fine. In fact, it's one of the only things on the car that consistently works anymore. 
I remember the wipers working fine on low but when I switched to high they did not move much faster. Test power going to the motor and see how close it is to battery voltage. Hopefully its a bad ground or poor connection due to corrosion.
Bad ground or corroded connectors would be my guess, too - the ones on my wife's Cherokee certainly move in what I'd consider to be normal speed.
my '90 XJ had the slowest wipers known to man. The "slow" setting was about like the middle intermittent setting on my other cars. The fast setting was....well, it was pretty much also really, really slow.
Let's put it this way: The wipers on my '70 Triumph are like speed demons compared to the ones that were on the XJ. And The XJ had a new wiper motor!
11/5/10 11:45 p.m.
The wipers on my '93 XJ seem pretty normal. The wipers on my wife's '93 Miata, on the other hand, were really slow until we cleaned up some connections in the wiring.