I fully realize a lot of you will be going to The Mitty at the end of April, but for those of you easteners who are too far away from Road Atlanta (like me), here's another option:
~The Jefferson 500~ Vintage Festival at Summit Point is the same weekend. Lots of great cars and a wonderful, laid back atmosphere.
Brian Redman is scheduled to appear as well as ~The Girls~
There's also some talk of Vic Elford attending (Brian and Vic have both attended in the past) I chatted with Brian for 15 minutes last year. He's a great guy and it was a real treat.
I also got to chat with and race with ~Ray Stone~ and his Bugeye. I've been following his exploits since the 60s, so this was another treat!
If you're going to The Mitty, I hope you have a great time! But if it's too far and you're in the east, I hope you'll ~join us~ at the Jefferson 500 on APril 30 thru May 2.