And you can bid on it. Seriously. It's a Tiga. Estimate is a market-fair $35k-$45k.
Hall and Oates is about to tour. We saw John's solo project recently--totally chill and enjoyable. We got to hang before the show for a few, and he shared his next automotive project.
Here's something from his new album.
Remember, bid and bid often.
John also helped us with a Sports 2000 feature that recently ran in Classic Motorsports. You can read it here.
He also proves that brown can look oh so good on a Porsche 356.
In reply to nderwater :
And it looks even better in person.
Years ago I looked at buying a 2002 from his brother-in-law. The car was really more of a project than I could handle at the time(and I never actually validated the story about the connection - supposedly his wife & Oate's wife were sisters). But it was an odd encounter at a not even quite middle-class rural home just outside Champaign, IL.
I'd say that we need to get him to the $2000 Challenge, but the dude just sold out Madison Square Garden....
I don't like his music. but I like his cars.
His new solo project sucked me in. I bought the tickets more as a thank-you. He's been helpful with some editorial projects, so I figured we'd go. The performance totally blew me away. In fact, I'm going to listen to "Arkansas" right now.
In reply to David S. Wallens :
If you could get John & Brian Johnson there at the same time that would be beyond epic.
We've gotten this far with no one posting this beautiful pic of Hall & Oates loungin' on a Fiero? I'm here to fix that.
In reply to Tony Sestito :
Rock the f' on.
Tony Sestito said:
We've gotten this far with no one posting this beautiful pic of Hall & Oates loungin' on a Fiero? I'm here to fix that.
I know many musicians are short, but I never realized they both make that Fiero look huge!