Once you view this gallery of 142 fantastic photos, expect to spend some of your valuable time frittering away the hours of an off hand day. These are fantastic rally cars (and great detail shots) of Juha Kankkunen.
Got to see Juha drive at Pikes Peak in, I think, '88, in the peugeot 405 Turbo 16 as teammate to Ari Vatanen - both fabulous drivers.
Good lord.
Caught totally unawares by the Ferraris.
Pretty awesome. I ran into these pictures somewhere before - what a show.
I did see a poor little Lancia that's going to be towed though:

I'd accept that room for Christmas!
That MK II Escort is da bomb
I'm probably the only one that opened the Ferrari picture and instantly looked right past the prancing ponies to the Delta in the back. Maybe because it looks like my old one but 1 million times nicer 
irish44j wrote:
I'm probably the only one that opened the Ferrari picture and instantly looked right past the prancing ponies to the Delta in the back. Maybe because it looks like my old one but 1 million times nicer
I flirted with the 288GTO on the way to the Delta
The coolest car there is that BDA powered Ford Model A. The build spec on that thing is very impressive and the way they electronically made it sound like a real "A" is clever.
Ian F
12/13/12 8:54 a.m.
DeadSkunk wrote:
The coolest car there is that BDA powered Ford Model A. The build spec on that thing is very impressive and the way they electronically made it sound like a real "A" is clever.
Yup. That Model A is awesome.
This is a repost, but that's ok. It's been awhile and definitely worth another look. 
It's funny... I never cared much about the F40 when it was new, but nowadays they fascinate me... If somebody said you can have any Ferrari you want - but only one - that might be the one I'd pick. Until I remembered some of the open racers from the late 50's.