i just wanted to toss out here some info for a car show that is coming up this next month, june 13th in anticock,IL at the dealerships on hwy 173 from 9am to 3pm. i will there as the camera guy doing photos if anyone wants to come out and say hi and see some cool cars. last years there where packed in the dodge, chevy, and ford, and the kai dealships full of cars and spectors if free, i think car show showing is less then $20 i think, dont have the flyer handy right now as i post this. 2 weeks after that i am doing a mopar show in fox lake at veterns park and a show in july also. more details for those shows later this weekend. if anyone shows up and wants pics of your car from the board, i will knock $5 off the price of pics. thanks and hope to see some of you there.