i just worked out the milage of my rambler today after driveing around the county looking for a new toy and borke 69,000 miles today.
i have had the car since april of 2006.....it had 68,271 on it when i got it...
today 69,055 when i wrote down to firgure it out....
784 miles in 3 years.....i need to drive it more dang it...sigh
Me too, 69,000 miles since February.
I was happy when I went for a drive the other night and turned 275,000. That was my goal for the longevity of the car and it is still going.
Wow, my '04 SRT-4 just broke 69k miles recently, and I thought 'not bad for a 5-year old car', but a Rambler? Nice!
After moving out past the suburbs (and after gasoline got a lil' more expensive), I put the green Corrado aside & went back to the old Golf for a DD, since she gets better fuel economy.
Sometime this month, she'll turn 230K. Best berkelying car I've every had.
My 10 yr old ZX2 will be hitting 70,000 any day now.
Hasn't been driven much in the winter. Only short trips on Sundays.
What the heck. It got 59.09 mpg on an economy run and has turned 1:08 at Lime Rock. Not at the same time. So I'm happy.
My car is 11 and is just about to hit 130k. I'm honestly exspecting it to last me to 200K. Or at least thats when I plan on taking it off of DD and into toy status.
My sister's 2001 ZX2 turned over 100K during our road trip, somwhere in Nevada. I had her take a picture. She said it means her car's getting old. I told her it was a milestone she should celebrate! My RX-7 turned over 100K earlier this year (though to be fair, the engine was rebuilt 10 years ago).
9/12/09 8:58 a.m.
'96 Mazda B-3000 P/U- Right around 300K, runs great, looks crappy. Will be replaced by a Cherokee soon.