...like whup yer arse on the autocross course.
By 3 seconds a lap.
In your own car.
Dad is proud of his boy! 
But a little sad for himself - it means he really IS Captain Slow (a name the boy gave me when I was beating him by a second a lap at the beginning of the year...).
10/6/14 11:42 a.m.
If you got him from a second down on you to 3 seconds up over the course of a year, sounds like you may be losing events but winning at Dad. 
That's great! I can tell you're proud simply because you posted it!
I'm waiting for my 11 y/o to be able to form-tackle me into the turf. First year in football and he's getting close!
Very cool! Looking forward to being able to do something fun with my son again, I've kind of lost him to football this year.
Ebony - mine's 14, and as of last week is now taller than me
. Scary stuff, but very cool this year hearing them butcher our name on the HS stadium PA system.
ebonyandivory wrote:
That's great! I can tell you're proud simply because you posted it!
I'm waiting for my 11 y/o to be able to form-tackle me into the turf. First year in football and he's getting close!
My 11 year old weighs in at 135, what I weighed when I graduated high school. He can absolutely clean my clock in straight up tackling drills. Be careful what you ask for
10/6/14 3:25 p.m.
OldGray320i wrote:
...like whup yer arse on the autocross course.
By 3 seconds a lap.
In your own car.
Dad is proud of his boy!
But a little sad for himself - it means he really IS Captain Slow (a name the boy gave me when I was beating him by a second a lap at the beginning of the year...).
a friend of mine was commenting on line a while back in response to some folk complaining about how they needed to pick up 2 - 3 sec against the field, and said it was easy for him to do that … all he had to do is put his son behind the wheel 
In reply to icaneat50eggs:
I wrote I was waiting for it, not asking for it!
I'm 6'-3" 250lbs and if I'm not watching, he can knock me around!
Mines about 100lbs but tall... What are you feeding yours???
OG, sorry to Hijack your thread!
My sons 5'7" and turning 12 this month and I'm only 5'11 180. My wife is 6'1" and he eats pretty much anything that isn't nailed down.
See, isn't that better than him chasing some guy's daughter around? 
ebonyandivory wrote:
In reply to icaneat50eggs:
I wrote I was waiting for it, not asking for it!
I'm 6'-3" 250lbs and if I'm not watching, he can knock me around!
Mines about 100lbs but tall... What are you feeding yours???
OG, sorry to Hijack your thread!
Ha, no worries. Mine played pop warner and JHS as a d-lineman; he's slight of build like his pops, but for his wieght, strong like ox. He could bust through the line and make tackles in the backfield all during JHS ball, but between 8th grade and freshman year of HS, all those big fat kids playing O-line became big strong kids, thus ended football for the boy (they moved him to WR, but his nickname was "skillet hands"...)
I'm 5'9" and a buck 60, give or take, he's about 6' 150, but can pretty well twist me into a pretzel with the greatest of ease.
Y'all are in for it. 
Time for him to get his own car, huh?
Mine is 13 and has been codriving (from the passenger's seat) and talking enormous amounts of smack for a couple of years now. I'm both afraid and hopeful that he can back it up. We'll find out in a couple of years. 
I loved being that kid, beating my dad in his own Mustang. Seeing him stagger walk at the end, realizing what had happened was priceless. I remember the way he looked at me, and said something like "you just beat me, in my own car."
You can't be Captain Slow, because I am.
I started autcrossing with my 16-year-old last year and could beat him by about a half second until mid-season (my first year, too). He helped set up the course the day before a weekend. After setting up, he took practice runs with a few of the fast guys--like about 40 runs, getting pointers the whole time from guys riding with him. It was enough to shred a brand new set of front tires down to the cords, but it made a huge difference. After that, he was consistently half to a full second faster than me. And he even got me to pay for more tires (I'm Captain Slow and a sucker).
This season, he's at least a full second faster than me, plus all the cool guys (you know, the guys with the big hats) invite him to hang out and or co-drive while I'm a wallflower 'cause I'm slow. Lately, he's decided that rather than beat me in my own car, he should beat me in his own clapped out car from time to time too.
Once I was paying for my own insurance and tires, I was slower too. 
That's a good one. I've been saying something similar.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
Once I was paying for my own insurance and tires, I was slower too.
Graduated high school and promptly took most of my graduation cash and bought a Z28. I drove that thing like I stole it everywhere. That is up until I bought my first set if tires... Mom and dad told me I needed the full zoot Z rated tires.... 800$ later I slowed down. Realized @ 5$ an hour I needed about a month and a half to buy tires if I didn't go anywhere.
I learned what smooth inputs were after that.
captain slow here will take a bigger beating when my car is out again!
cant blame the car no more OldGrayHair.
aha i can say that cause im the son.