MadScientistMatt wrote:
Where's the four wheeled equivalent of a Hayabusa? And is the Kizashi a sign they may be planning an answer?

A concept went around the show circuit a couple years back, but the sketch looks cooler to me.
The Kizashi could be awesome if they turned the wick up a bit. I think I'd rather have an SX4, though.

Tom Heath wrote:
In reply to Zomby woof:
Yep. Sign me up for a steamy Cappuccino, please.
Or a Mode Cervo, thanks (same drivetrain as the Cap.)

Zomby woof wrote:
Tom Heath wrote:
In reply to Zomby woof:
Yep. Sign me up for a steamy Cappuccino, please.
Or a Mode Cervo, thanks (same drivetrain as the Cap.)
Actually, the Cervo uses a transverse drivetrain, and is fwd/awd, very similar to the Alto Works. They DO use the same engine, the F6A, but then the Capp went to the K6A...
I want an Alto Works...

My mistake.
I meant same DOHC 3 cylinder turbo.
Uh, why is this thing so special again? Not much performance, derivative styling and average pricing. BFD.
I love my Kizashi. Very smooth and refined, handling is like a FWD E46 - little dive, understeer, and while there is roll it doesn't wallow at all - no secondary body motions. Not stupid fast, but it has as much HP as an E46 328i and a 6 speed, so it can get out of its own way if you don't mind shifting gears and gets 30 mpg on regular gas on the highway.
To answer someone's questions, the KYB dampers are well-tuned for the chassis and the brakes are very strong. It's not a muscle car but it is definitely a sporty driver's car - like a nicer, more grown-up Mazda 3.
I like it. I just wish AWD came with a manual.
Didn't suzuki race the Aerio Wagon overseas in some touring car series, and it was a monster?
Tom Heath wrote:
The Kizashi could be awesome if they turned the wick up a bit. I think I'd rather have an SX4, though.
They need to recoup the cost of their wrc works teams by selling the go fast parts to us folks in the states!!!! What happened to all that r&d?!?! At least bring over the Swift GT.
Zomby woof wrote:
Matt B wrote:
That said, kudos to Suzuki for offering something fun and functional at a lower price point.
Kudos to Suzuki for offering anything that's not a Daewoo
Btw, there's a Cappacino in my neighborhood and that is a seriously goofy looking little car. It's almost as tall as it is wide, and it barely comes up to my belly button.
Another car magazine just drove the Kizashi from Tokyo to LA through Russia, Alaska and Canada. A pretty interesting road trip I'd imagine.
Winding Road just did a comparo between the Mazda 6, new Sonata, the Accord and the Kizashi and the Kiz came out on top.