I purchased a used cage for an two-door Dodge L-body (Charger 2.2). The previous owner said it is a straight bolt in, but I cannot get it to clear the rear seat. Since the car runs is street prepared I must run the full interior. The folks at Kirk cant remember whether or not it will fit with the full interior.
If I bolt it in the seat cannot be kept in the upright position. If I fold the seat down it hits the cross tube on the main hoop. I was trying to get the car ready for the Weatherly Hill Climb in two weeks, but I am stuck with this cage. Any advice is desperately needed.
5/29/10 12:49 a.m.
Sounds like pictures are needed.
bolted the seats back in out of frustration. Basically, the rear tubes extend back and bolt into the fender wells. The rear seat is foldable and fastens to the fender well when upright. When folded it hits the cross tube on the main hoop.
I'll throw out the disclaimer first. I haven't run any hill climb yet, but I do want to try it sometime, and it probably will be with the PA group.
For your seat, the rules say the full interior has to be installed. I would check with the organizers running it, but if the rear seat fits around the cage when the seat it folded down you are OK. The seat was designed from the factory to fold down, and both halves of the seat are installed. I don't think the rules say the seat has to be passenger ready.
Correct. The rear seat has to be there but it does not need to actually be capable of holding passengers.
Rob_Mopar wrote:
I'll throw out the disclaimer first. I haven't run any hill climb yet, but I do want to try it sometime, and it probably will be with the PA group.
For your seat, the rules say the full interior has to be installed. I would check with the organizers running it, but if the rear seat fits around the cage when the seat it folded down you are OK. The seat was designed from the factory to fold down, and both halves of the seat are installed. I don't think the rules say the seat has to be passenger ready.
The seat hist the crossbar on the main hoop when folded. It does not clear the cage in either position unless I am doing something wrong.
New Reader
5/29/10 8:25 a.m.
Will the seat clear the cage in some position other than fully upright or fully folded? Can you secure the seat in that position somehow?
If yes, I think you may be OK...
Moparman wrote:
The seat hist the crossbar on the main hoop when folded. It does not clear the cage in either position unless I am doing something wrong.
How about modifying the seat to clear the bar? Which position is closest to fitting? If it's in the folded position maybe you can pull the seat cover & foam, cut an inch out of the seat frame (or whatever the minimum you need for clearance) & weld it back together, then put the foam and seat skin back on. Don't cut the foam. Just let it hold the shape of the top of the seat. Then it will flex around the cross bar.
I'm heading to the garage now but I'll check back a little later.
I am thinking that the cage may not bolt into the fender well behind the seat, but where the trim is next to the seat. The angle doesn't look right and the only way to find out is to either cut the trim and try or look at pics. I don't want to cut up the car needlessly and I cannot find any pics showing where the rear of the cage mounts.
can't secure it half folded and don't want to cut up the car more than I have to. I am thinking that I am doing something wrong. If I could only find a pic of where the rear bars mount exactly I would be in good shape.
I did a quick google search for “Kirk Roll Bar Charger” hoping to find something, and found your ad on the $2010 classifieds. 
If you post some pics we might be able to make some suggestions. I need to get back to the parts car now...
Pics of what? The cage is disassembled and the interior is in the car again. I am not taking it apart again until I know exactly where the rear tubes are supposed to attach to the car.
My bad. I thought the bar was in the car and the seat was the last thing to go in.
Figured it out. I have to cut up the trim. Thx everyone.